If you like Recettear you should check out Final Profit:
If you like Recettear you should check out Final Profit:
That’s actually a fascinating idea. All interstellar travel is based on the movements of the planets through space time. I bet it alternates between being technically faster and slower than FTL travel since you may have to wait for a time when your destination to pass into the planets past location.
Wow that’s a fun thought hole. Constraint certainly breeds creativity!
If you can get into it, and more importantly enjoy the role, also can be hilariously well compensated.
Pretty sure a '16 Focus would have their DSG transmission, which was a stinker.
Man goes to Worcester in an expensive car, is upset it gets fucked with.
For those not from the area, Worcester has been one of the rougher cities in MA forever. It’s not the worst by any stretch, but it has been going through waves of gentrification which leads to fun stories like this one as worlds collide.
I wouldn’t park a gold wrapped K car parked in Worcester. But now I want to park a chalk board painted K car in Worcester. Should go exactly as you’d think.
Musk being a massive POS goes back years, but specifically entered the public consciousness when he called that dude trying to save the trapped kids in the mine a pedophile.
Pretty sure the last two are not just legal, but required under MA law while merging onto any highway.
Really the bottom three, but that’s just because we haven’t gotten the nearly impossible to remove electrostatically charged stickers from Snow Crash yet. Soon as we get those puppies it’s game on!
The only way he could have made it worse for himself is if he had an RI plate. Mass residents have never been shy about letting people know how they feel about them (for better, or very worse 😅)
This looks pretty dope tbh. Will probably get high and completely zone out to this for prolonged periods.
I mean at least he seems to realize in the full thread saying this shit is problematic, as opposed to just blurting it out completely unqualified per usual. Not making excuses, at the end of the day fuck Kanye, but this seems a very fine hair more sane than usual.
Maybe I am just reading into it weird, granted it’s Ye so weird is the only way it can be read shrug
Same. The only thing that calms the beast that lives in my soul is the sweet embrace of aspartame. I cant even really drink mixed drinks with non diet soda. Sugar Free Redbull and Vodka just hits so good.
My behaviors shouldn’t be emulated 😅
IIRC he made a joke offer to buy it in a Tweet at a certain price per share (that was ridiculously high) and because he was literally just sanctioned by the FCC for market manipulation his joke had to become a reality in order for him to avoid serious penalties (the FCC was DONE with his shit at this point).
Everything since then has just been off his dome. Obviously it’s pretty bad up in there since it’s just a roaring money fire ATM.
It’s ok, I bought copies for my friends to cancel your vote out.
“Bon Jovi for Goth Dads” is the other one I enjoy. I love Ghost, Tobias writes exactly the music he wants. Not trying to be metal, he was heavily influenced by og heavy metal (Sabbath) and the theatrics of the glam/hair metal era (Kiss). Combine the two and ya, that’s just Ghost.
It’s very intentionally campy and fun, like year round Halloween.
It was Lewy Body Dementia. He had periods of lucidity and in one of those decided that he no longer wanted to live as a prisoner in his own body, and a burden to his family because for all intents and purposes his life as a functioning human was over.
Honestly his entire circumstance is a shining example of why we need a death with dignity law.
Which one do you have? That is pretty much my exact use case!
This one may be kinda weird, but I regularly scroll wayyy back in the Giant Bombcast feed and will pick a point in time and listen forward. It’s like hanging out with old friends again, it’s always kinda bittersweet. You always have a soft spot for your first parasocial relationship 💜
I imagine it’s probably something to do with the live piercing, which I assume to be hook pulls? Needle play really icks some people out, but I don’t know if it would be visible from an opera stage
The point they were trying to make (I believe, and this specific argument) is that the entire basis of the opposing argument is entirely based on religion and pretty much by definition specious. There is no sky daddy looking over your shoulder, and this any morality you base on its existence is inheritetly flawed at best.
What there is are women who need timely access to medical care or their lives are at risk. This is a tangible and real threat.
So treating the issue as “Politics” only serves to dignify the flawed morality of one side while letting women die.