For my local library, I noticed they have both Onleihe and Libby available - though with different selections, ymmv
For my local library, I noticed they have both Onleihe and Libby available - though with different selections, ymmv
Seems to be available here: https://campaigns.greenpeace.de/aktionspaket-verkehrswende
I like this one
Well, people don’t really have the choice to not vote for people they deem to old if they are the only person running for their party. If we had rules for maximum ages that would force parties to offer us younger candidates to vote for
I second hedgehogs for Germany, they’re so cute! Also, or squirrels are so different from the US kind, they’re just unfortunately a lot shyer, too
That’s exactly what I mean, though. All these wars happen even though they aren’t profitable, so I don’t see how that’s relevant.
Not saying politics can’t change for the worse, just that I haven’t seen voting, etc. change it for the better in a long time. It used to and I think peaceful protests and activism could help, just saying it’s not very visible as helpful right now.
I don’t even see how you ended up getting into a tirade about vandalising from this post, especially if you agree that attacking billionaires directly has a chance of helping - isn’t that exactly what the cartoon shows?
I agree with you that riots and vandalising aren’t currently helping - but I also don’t see them as a prevailing problem. Where is this currently going on? Most of what I see are peaceful protests with limited coverage and even more limited consequences
I would really love an example for a war that didn’t happen because it wasn’t profitable, or a relevant leader toppled by social media. We live in a world where there aren’t any politicians we can vote for to actually lead to any change, and wars are closer to many of us than they have been in a long time, both physically and through the visibility of social media and globalisation. If there’s a peaceful way to stop this that you’re aware of, please do enlighten us
Definitely strange… Glad it worked out, though
Very cool feature, thanks for sharing!
The version is 5.1.8_fdroid, which is the same one I also see in fdroid
Very strange. I installed through the neo store a week or so ago and have a couple options
For me it’s when I add a new location, then I get to choose what sources to pull from
If it’s just about current weather, the locations view kind of does this. Otherwise, I’d be super interested to hear which app you’d seen that in before, sounds like an interesting feature
From what I see, MET Norway is an option for weather sources, is that the right one?
I second Duolingo and Drops for mostly vocabulary learning, and then I’d supplement with a textbook for grammar and a more structured learning experience. I keep seeing the everything learning german book recommended, but really, just choose whatever looks reasonable and go through it doing all the exercises
Going from your sidebar, how about art gallery?
I second the owlcats games, especially Pathfinder Kingmaker, which is less gory in theme, more exploration and kingdom building in addition to the adventuring
The gameplay of ‘It takes two’ is very fun, but the characters and the story can be infuriating. If they annoy you in the trailers or in a gameplay video, be aware that their dynamic stays like that a long time - we gave up on it after a while because of it
Since the problem of the joycons breaking down has come up a few times, I just want to mention that you can easily couple 8bit-do controllers, or presumably any others, and play with those instead. That’s likely to mean they’ll be available for a while. Not sure that you can do anything about a DS’s buttons breaking
Yeah, I imagine the amount of books by language depends on the library. Mine has 2k German and some Dutch and Ukrainian as well - didn’t vet those. I was able to download an .acsm file via Manage Loan -> Read with… -> Epub, but then you still need to deal with an acsm file - definitely not a real solution, just figured I’d mention it