Thank you, I’m gonna try it when I’m back home. I hope I don’t see something wrong as I’m on Linux since a year or so :) Thanks again
Thank you, I’m gonna try it when I’m back home. I hope I don’t see something wrong as I’m on Linux since a year or so :) Thanks again
Thank you for your quick guide and explanations. I currently dont own an AMD GPU though I plan to acquire one if it’s worth it. So this may be useful.
How did you manage to get the power consumption on in idle mode ?
You can still drop windows and boot to KDE (the desktop is based on it for the steam deck) :)
In linux mint if I remember correctly, I was able to change the brightness of my monitor but without it built I compatibility. Does someone know if I can do the same in KDE ?
You were rights… Bad exe files, even now I’m not sure I believe it. Thank you :) !
OK I will try when I get time, I didn’t download it from fitgirl though. I’ll keep you in touch if I can get it working ! Thanks for your help :)
I’m pretty sure I ran the good exe file, the game is Still Wakes the Deep I’m not sure why it happened but the issue happened with kubuntu also I did found the vcrun and this issue disappeared, though for DirectX I don’t know which DLL choose.
Thank you for your answers, I swapped back to kubuntu and will see if I can get it working. Thank you for your time and sorry for the bother.
He may not, maybe he’s talking about the sound when the car isn’t fast enough to alert people on the street, just to let know that something is coming. It shut at a certain speed I think
Laisse mon innocence en paix :)
Il fallait absolument que ce soit du pr0n bien sur ! Bon je regarderai pas plus que ça, merci en tout cas
De quoi est tiré ton meme ? Très drôle au passage :)
I’m sorry I can’t check now but I saw earlier that red means spelling issue and blue means grammar issue. If I find the post I will reply to this post :) Edit : there you go : https://reddthat.com/comment/9809409
I’m not sure I understand what you mean… What switch color ?
You should use the Fdroid version if you are not confident about what you are doing (in my honest opinion)
To add some dictionaries go to the website then download one dictionary :
Then click on the + button to add the dictionary you download :
Then select the one you downloaded and you should be good :)
Have a nice day !
Merci pour le partage
To save people some times : Barrier seems to be an app meant to control multiple devices with the same mouse and keyboard. You need to install the software on all the machines for it to works.
You can then bind a keyboard shortcut to switch device. You can also bind it if you put your mouse at the and of a screen.
Take care you all
Thank you, I’ll try it during my Holiday Its steam deck verified too !
Hello, the pin showed in the image is the ground. Though the one with the benl link is also with a ground. You can see it in the picture its a piece of metal shown in the inner diameter of the female plug. You should be aware that if your male plug is not provided with this connector, your either can’t connect it to this socket or you will not have a ground.