Where did I say I was only an agent the whole time? I’ve been in a dozen roles at varying levels. Once again, sometimes generating revenue isn’t the point. Sometimes delivering a service or even just retaining customers is.
Where did I say I was only an agent the whole time? I’ve been in a dozen roles at varying levels. Once again, sometimes generating revenue isn’t the point. Sometimes delivering a service or even just retaining customers is.
I’ve spent the last 15 years in call centers and only spent 1 year on a line of business that involved upselling. There’s plenty of lines that don’t. Yes it is common but it’s just as common to not.
Yeah I can’t imagine how anyone would say this in an entirely straightforward, non-sardonic manner. Pronouncing it that way is dripping with self awareness.
I use All all the time unless I’m looking for content on a specific topic. And yeah I block the regurgitators for sure.
Uhhh I’m using TikTok with no VPN in the US and still get plenty of anti-Trump, pro-LGBT, left-leaning content. 🤷
TikTok definitely used the news hype to signal to Donald Trump that they will work with him — by giving him “credit” for making the app available again (even though he wasn’t president yet and didn’t do anything). It’s all propaganda from both the US and China.
I’ll at least be satisfied with being on the right side of history.
An extremely small number of surgeries that have been medically proven to improve outcomes of individuals is totally equivalent to supporting the rise of fascism. Sure buddy. Have fun supporting hatred and bigotry.
51% of the country just voted for an openly misogynistic, transphobic racist and the vast majority of them were on the right soooooooo.
No idea why they worded the article that way. The person going to prison is the person who leaked the documents and was also the admin of the discord server they leaked it to.
The “first of his name” is essential. He also has loads of nicknames. Like Cleetorus. We love loudly calling for Cleetorus when he’s running down the street.
I certainly don’t mean to shame you for what seems to be a desire to play the game without being propositioned for sex at all. That seems to me to be a completely different thing than wanting to remove a particular sexuality from the game but leaving others intact.
It’s funny how much this comment mirrors the experience of LGBT people left and right. Do you think it’s not awkward for a lesbian to “have to straight up reject” their male “friends” who come on to them? Or gay men and their female “friends”, or asexuals and literally anyone.
Indeed. It doesn’t help that anxiety has multiple causes, some of which overlap and compound each other. I couldn’t have gotten a handle on my anxiety without medication, but in my case I also couldn’t have done it without a great therapist who took the time to get to know me and help me learn the various factors that were contributing to my particular stew of neuroses. Telling me to just breathe or exercise or meditate would not have done shit for me although ironically all of those things are part of my routine now but only after a long road of trial and error and practice.
Yup it is a skill and one that studies show people tend to overestimate their abilities with. All the more reason to invest as a society in alternative transportation and heavily cut down on the overall number of drivers behind the wheel.
Are these newer models or in poor condition or something? I’ve driven well maintained older Prius, Civic, and Accord vehicles without these issues and I LOVED how the Civic handled all around.
Is this a European car thing or a driver skill issue? As an American I’ve never had a problem maintaining slow speeds in any vehicle I’ve driven - manual or automatic.
Edit: I am starting to realize that some drivers are startlingly dependent on cruise control to maintain a target speed.
I definitely know what you’re talking about. I think “She Zoramet” off of CV2 has a lot of guttural noises that are straight up funky and could definitely be abrasive for some. For me though it just works in a weird way. And you got me again — I do probably miss out on a good number of rare tracks simply by nature of doing most of my streaming through Spotify, because the whole family is on the plan making it super cheap for me.
Agreed. However, it also appears to apply too broadly: