My pattern recognition tells me there are faces in clouds too, should i believe in cloud giants?
My pattern recognition tells me there are faces in clouds too, should i believe in cloud giants?
Crap, now all the braindead covid conspiracy theorists are going to roll this into their “15 minite cities are open air prisons” conspiracies
I’m looking forward to seeing him look more like aamon’s depiction of him
Good, I’m surprised our taxes were funding such a programme.
Do you think your bullies would spend time on Lemmy? Much less admit they were bullies on a thread like this? I think there might be a bias at play here.
Sorry but the idea disabled people can only use cars and need car-centric infrastructure to live in a city is delusional
And one of the most tired scapegoats used by people opposing it, we all know they don’t give a flying fuck about accessibility when it comes to any other city planning or infrastructure project.
There’s no reason to gender the word Mayor, a Mayor is a Mayor despite whatever bits they have.
holy shit dude why are you so mad?
Oh… oh no…
I mean… it’s at least a little bit of one
Not sure I’d be confident linking to sky news and using the term “reality”.
This gave me a horrible visual of someone holding a penguin and a UV Lamp threatening oil execs in a boardroom
Charity donations are tax deductible (usually) so what you’re doing is giving the business a means to bring down their contributions for the year. It’d really be best if you just donated directly.
Sorry, motorcycles? like, Harley Davidsons and Kawasaki Ninjas?
Real “Fortress” shit
I’m guessing they wanted to throw a little flair in their comment and used the latin form, which I think means “with”, think cum laude meaning “with praise”.
You skipped class on the “correlation does not mean causation” day didn’t you?