No, it’s significant because attackers can pump out way more emails while also making them customized to their targets and constantly changing to help avoid detectors.
No, it’s significant because attackers can pump out way more emails while also making them customized to their targets and constantly changing to help avoid detectors.
The TPM releases the key to the OS at boot time. Without that, there would be no way for the OS to load (assuming the root FS is encrypted).
The key is bound to PCRs in the TPM, which control under what conditions the key can be released. For example, it can be tied to secure boot, bios settings, etc.
In addition to what others have said, make sure the vents are not full of dust or obstructed.
Aside from the group suggestions, you could also use ACLs. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Access_Control_Lists
They almost certainly won’t. Every so often they make a big show of these raids and then quietly drop it later. Check out some of Jim Browning’s videos to see how the raids work out.
Arch Wiki for more general info. Official docs/man pages of whatever thing you are working with for details.
Greatly increasing taxes for the super wealthy and closing tax loopholes would be a good start.
With rootless containers, even root in the container is basically useless anyway because it truly runs as a fake ID on the host.
I’ve seen this repeated a lot, but I’m not really convinced running as root inside containers is a good/safe thing to do. User namespaces can provide some protection for the host, but that does nothing for the rest of the files inside the guest. For example, consider a server software with an arbitrary file write vulnerability. If the process is running as a low privilege user, exploiting the vulnerability might not really get you anywhere. If it’s running as root, it’s basically a free pass to root privilege and arbitrary code execution within the container.
H264 does work fine in the paid version. The lack of AAC support is sometimes an issue though. For footage in AAC+H264, I usually just run it through ffmpeg to transcode the audio to PCM and keep the video as-is.
Honestly, I think his communication here is fine. He’s probably going to offend some people at NIST, but it seems like he’s already tried the cooperative route and is now willing to burn some bridges to bring things to light.
It reads like he’s playing mathematics and not politics, which is exactly what you want from a cryptography researcher.
They aren’t accommodating the gambling industry. It’s a bug fix for a media player issue. The text in the changelog comes from the bug report title. The bug isn’t specific to that site, and neither is the fix.
What do you define as “source” for an AI model? Training code? Training data set?
That’s much easier said than done. For game developers that already have games based on unity released or in development, changing to another engine is an expensive and time consuming development effort.
Who ever said signal is anonymous? Secure, private, encrypted - yes. But definitely not anonymous.
This isn’t their first rodeo either. https://haveibeenpwned.com/PwnedWebsites#MGM2022Update
Syncthing is another good cloud-free option.
At a very high level, training is something like:
Step #2 is also exactly what an “AI detector” does. If someone is able to write code that reliably distinguishes between AI and human text, then AI developers would plug it in to that training step in order to improve their AI.
In other words, if some theoretical machine perfectly “knows” the difference between generated and human text, then the same machine can also be used to make text that is indistinguishable from human text.
Pinecil works OK for small things, but struggles on larger joints because of it’s low power and small thermal mass. Personally, I’d prefer one of the many Hakko/Weller clones for a cheap solution.
Have you tried 3D printing enclosures? There’s a bit of up front cost if you don’t have a printer already, but after that the material costs are pretty cheap. It’s really cool to be able to make a custom enclosure with all the cutouts, integrated standoffs, panel markings, etc all in a single print.
This is why Google has been using their browser monopoly to push their “Web Integrity API”. If that gets adopted, they can fully control the client side and prevent all ad blocking.