Yeah, let’s do nothing and let the children of people we don’t like die. And in the meantime, let’s put other particularly vulnerable - like the immunocompromised - at risk. But we’ll sure show a handful of people how right we were the whole time.
You might want to rethink your moral compass.
Sometimes, the best you can do is explain a bad decision when you see it. The people who really want to do it will ignore you. The hope is to get the people on the fence to not do it. You won’t get them all, but if it saves even one child, it’s worth it.
If it’s raining, there’s snow on the ground, or many other low traction scenarios, the cop would have to really want to pull you over. Chances are they won’t.
On a clear, dry day, depending on where you are, barking your tires is a violation of nuisance laws. Again, most likely not getting pulled over unless you consistently did it.
Now, if you stomped on it and your tires broke loose, you are looking at reckless operation of a motor vehicle. Expect to be stopped.
It mostly comes down to conditions and level of egregiousness… and how bad of a day the cop is having / wanting you to have.