he looks like a young toddler with poor coordination
he looks like a young toddler with poor coordination
i wonder if he had life insurance
all the retarded takes in this post is the reason many have come to hate lemmy. you guys do get that he’s a comedian doing an act at a conference, right?
i don’t know man, seems like quite the sisyphusean task to try to keep kids from seeing testicles on tv 🤷
i don’t have any problems with anyone holding hands at the park, my problem is that the guy in the back has his balls hanging out.
there’s literally a guy with his balls out in the posted picture.
the problem we (although i can only speak for myself) have is that this is not appropriate for kids. i don’t have any problem with what people do in private, but this being broadcast to the whole world with no age restriction is the problem.
geez, get a room you two
i mean, they got the most votes. the only reason they didn’t win is cause all the other parties are forming a coalition. they got 1/3 of the vote
i’m just refuting your claim that it was something as diffuse as “someday something bad will happen”, he did in fact “predict 911”, but so did most people who paid attention to islamic terror at the time.
if you go watch the clip, it’s much more detailed than you give it credit for.
he mentions osama bin laden and the world trade center. sure a clock is right twice a day, but at that point it, i find it suspicious.
looks like either tty-clock or tmux clock-mode
(prefix + t)
the child who is not embraced by its village will burn it down just to feel its warmth
hey man, i think you dropped your gay card
this deserves many more upvotes haha
we have C#, where the hell is C♭?
OsmAnd for detailed maps, and Kiwix for offline wikipedia (and other wikis).
all this does is to make sure to alienate the cyclists who would actually listen.
abby is ben in drag with an snapchat filter, change my mind
to everyone who reads this dudes comment and starts imagining 75 year old grandmas saying it: i’m 30 and say 2+90, and it’s still very much a thing.