Sad thing is, if bikes were invented today, they’d be heavily regulated.
Sad thing is, if bikes were invented today, they’d be heavily regulated.
Let’s start with the word “blame”: Veilguard isn’t bad on the whole. It’s possibly good, even. I think a lot of the problem with how it’s been received is that it’s not “Bioware good”, which can be a disappontment even for a good game, especially after coming down from Baldur’s fucking Gate 3, a once in a generation game.
So maybe if we said “credit” instead, and I think we can say yeah she sort of can take credit for the game. They offered her game director and she took it, and she put her name to it. I know it’s a shit position to be in, but if you look at Whedon and the Justice League, he passed the “credit” onto Snyder. Busche could have done the same if she chose, but she chose to put her name to it.
Getting a game which is going off the rails back onto the rails is really tough. Kudos to her.
I have a full fat rack, but I’d like to adapt the 10" onto it, is there some sort of adapter thingie to maybe go two-wide?
This mostly doesn’t happen in Australia. Zebra crossing means stop. A lot of pedestrians won’t even check, they just walk onto the road on a crossing.
I keep mine in an ever growing wishlist, which I never get back to, but it stops me from feeling like I forgot anything.
I’ve given up. I’m going to just keep adding to wishlist and nibble on a new one every now and then.
This is fine. I don’t mind a diversity of opinion here. I agree that Proton is a stop-gap solution, and that most older games are going to need it, and newer AAA games are not going to support Linux all of a sudden.
However, I do think that we should continue to encourage developers to create native builds when they can. Indie devs tend to do this and it’s a pretty great experience. Not only that, it often enables playing on unusual devices such as SBCs. For example, UFO 50 was made in Gamemaker, which offers native Linux builds, and it’s already on Portmaster. You basically can’t do that with Proton.
My problem is calling people who want Linux native games misguided or wrong. I really don’t think that’s helpful.
I wish he wouldn’t repeat the idea that Proton is acceptable to game devs and Linux users shouldn’t demand native games. I’m much closer to Nick’s (from Linux Experiment) idea: That these games work as long as a company like Valve pays for Proton. The day Valve stops is the day these Proton games start to rot. For archival, for our own history, and for actual games on Linux, we should want Linux native games.
The thing is, the “no tux no bucks” crowd doesn’t advocate for other people to say the same. The proton crowd is actively telling the “no tux no bucks” people to shut up, and it’s not very nice. We need a multitude of views to succeed in the long term as a community.
Yet another reason PC is superior.
Not a premium user but Youtube has poisoned its own waters with its algorithm. You can see the “top” content basically gaming that algorithm as well as it can. Literally every part of it from the title to the thumbnail to the content itself is hollow except for the skinner box.
It’s a pretty tepid way of thinking about the issue to be honest. In a strategic sense, basically any move Microsoft is forced to make for actual (rather than apparent) security makes it harder for them to do things in a way which creates lock-in. Yes, they will use it to push for DRM, as another commenter noted, but that’s another apparent security solution. In the long term, this is a positive, but it’s not an immediate and direct benefit, as the blog post notes.
I have the kk3. Wins for not needing an app and also firmware upgrades via just a file upload to the controller as USB Mass storage.
The buttons are “classic” not micro switch. Some prefer the latter.
Man these guys should try putting more effort into making the game rather than harrassing their employees.
My main issue with it is that everyone is using it to push their own narrative about why the game failed. People doing the “It’s a woke game, so it went broke”, or “it’s a saturated market”, or whatever. These are just reactions, not data driven analyses.
Where were you for Theranos mate?
He was fired
He owns the business. His ownership was liquidated by the other owner without paperwork, and most of the other owners dispute that the ownership was ever diluted. The decision over whether he should have been “fired” are really upto him and the other business owners.
It’s also unclear why the other employees, who may or may not have been coerced, were not siding with Kurvitz. I agree it’s a mess, but there’s a big gap between “feelings” and “actually grossly illegal stuff”.
There are other videos on the internet about this, but basically PMG have done a terrible job here. One person is accused of serious corporate misconduct, and the others have allegations of being hard to work with, and PMG effectively treats them as equal, not even realising that the reason maybe some people were hard to work with was because of forced labour from the guy also doing the corporate misconduct.
They’ve just not done a great job overall here.
I don’t know if Linux Gaming would exist if it wasn’t for OpenGL and Carmack using it for Quake.
Unfortunately we are in the Glide era of VR. OpenXR exists, but someone needs to create a killer app which uses it.
I watched a Youtube video about this, and yeah, induced demand affects everything, but when it affects Buses, you get more buses, and that’s more efficient. When it affects Trains, you get more trains, and that’s more efficient. The only time it gets less efficient is when it affects cars. The moral of the story was: It wasn’t the Induced Demand, it was the Cars that were the problem.