Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk
Every time with this guy. Venue shopping needs to stop. Everyone with an agenda is trying to file in his district for one reason, and it’s not fair and balanced justice.
I can’t believe this name wasn’t already taken.
Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk
Every time with this guy. Venue shopping needs to stop. Everyone with an agenda is trying to file in his district for one reason, and it’s not fair and balanced justice.
I wonder if the name Will is in reference Billy Joel and his famous song The Piano Man.
They’re beating on a ragged anime trope trying to make a joke. Everyone lately thinks they’re comedian. :eyeroll:
It’s a warning. The more that know lying will cost you millions the fewer will risk it. The more consumers who know of cheaters the more it will impact the business. Headline grabbing numbers are GOOD.
He’s term limited as governor. Question is what he does next.
Keep it up kids. 🤘
WYSIWYG collaboration platform, I guess?
AOL Keywords.
Anyone remember brands putting their keyword in all their advertisements, like they do for a hashtags and @ signs today?
I don’t think we disagree here.
Rates are higher than the current market can bear, a result of the artificially extended period of historically low rates. The pandemic can only be blamed for some of this. The prior administration juicing the economy against sound economical principals telling us rates should have continued the rise that started around 2016/2017 contributed at least as much and hamstrung our tools to respond.
Housing stock shortages have long list of causes, as you line out. With so many things contributing to the problem it’s hard to cope with, both at a policy level and for us regular folk. An average person needs an explanation that’s easy and memorable, and thereby actionable in terms of throwing their support behind. That’s not easy when there’s not enough fingers to point, solutions to each aren’t clear, and there’s only so much political bandwidth that can be put towards making change.
It’s going to be slow, and not everything will work, but I’m glad there is finally attention on it and it looks like the people who can do things are doing them instead of just talking.
You’d have to go back to around 2000 to find rates on a 30 year fixed comparable to today’s. https://www.freddiemac.com/pmms
Historically we’re still in a period of pretty good rates. However, the reality is who cares about what things were like more than 25 years ago. The new normal is 6ish percent, and we’re over that right now. I don’t think we’re ever going to see rates below 5% again, not counting for some extraneous circumstance nobody can predict. But at this point any relief is going to be meaningful to a lot of people.
On the other hand, home prices are not coming down, and they probably will not come down even if there’s plenty of overinflated valuations out there.
Therefore the only thing to give on affordability is increased supply to keep home values from continuing to grow in a pace that outruns incomes, and lower rates so more people can afford what’s out there today.
Last time around part of Trump’s strategy was to dominate the news cycle with a never ending torrent of outlandish statements and behavior. Free advertising. And of course he’s going to do it again because his fundraising is much less than Biden’s at this point. And he probably can’t help himself as that’s all he knows how to do and it works on his base.
One could argue that it’s a wise idea to co-opt that free campaign exposure by joining in instead of fighting back or fact checking or correcting the record like they had in the past.
Stop light? All I saw was that one cop in an intersection.
They rocked 25 years ago. Haven’t had what I would call a good meal from them in a decade.
A good tailor can do amazing things, but there are limits.
When it comes to tailoring, putting aside the quality of the suit (fused/glued canvas or not, among other things), the key thing you want as close to right from the start is the shoulders. Sleeve and jacket lengths are simple, neck and chest less so, but if the shoulder width is all wrong it’s a major undertaking to alter if it can even be done.
Get WinAero Tweaker. It’s a tool that applies dozens of registry and group policy settings to kill stuff like this. I ran it once ages ago and never have had to deal with stuff like your screenshot.
I have both of these, dry, in jars next to each other. If they weren’t labeled I’d have to smell and maybe even taste to tell them apart. Fresh they look similar with smallish deeply textured leaves.
This is so close to being right. You want your drain hose to have a high loop before it connects with the drain pipe. This site has more info and clear pictures.
The customer is the shareholder. The consumer is a means to an end. Same as it ever was.
Ain’t nobody going to talk about that guy in the thumbnail eating a CD while wearing that hat? Stock photos are weird.
Sure you do. Think back to your school classes. Senators are elected for 6-year terms. Fetterman is basically brand new so that means his election was the last cycle, or 2022. 2022 + 6 years equals 2028 reelection.