Flaming Hot Cheetos, obviously.
Who needs a cat as a mouser when you’ve got an owl?
Wow, what a beautiful bird. Remember this pic for next OOTY, I bet screechies will get a boost.
Also, we need to think of a word that starts with H to put in front of Owl of the Year, so it will be the HOOTY. 😆
Performing Tchaikovsky’s lesser known “Owl Pond”
Just an FYI, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) prohibits the collection and possession of nearly all wild native bird parts–including naturally shed feathers-- without a permit in the US. There are a few exceptions, such as game birds and non-native species.
Reminds me of the Chilly Downs in Labyrinth!
It’s absurd, that’s all.
Looks like my cat when she’s angy. 🤣
It’s really hard to make anything with an etch a sketch, even their own r&d can’t do it.
I visit my local food pantry regularly, so I think I have some perspective.
There’s a state run mobile food pantry that makes up boxes of shelf stable foods to give out. It’s wonderful, but it’s always pretty much the same things every time-- canned corn, peas, tuna, fruit, spaghetti sauce, beans. They are clearly buying staples in bulk to give out, which makes sense for their process.
When I go to my local pantry, which gets a lot of direct donations, I can find a much wider variety of products. Canned chicken, nice soups, ravioli, artichokes, diced tomatoes, etc. It makes for a more varied and interesting diet.
Donating money is great and versatile, but donating canned goods can be valuable too.
The military is making WMDs but can’t get the slides presented properly.
Please come to my house and enjoy all the juicy voles, so they’ll stop eating my beans and cukes.
I believe it’s referring to a barn dance They were popular at the time of the strip, except in this case, the band booked a barn dance with actual barn animals. I think the drawing style looks different because this is an early one, 1981.
In 1982, it would have been unheard of for a pet store to be selling snakes in a window like this. Puppies, bunnies, guinea pigs, sure, but not snakes. Maybe they would have one or two in the back of the store, but it wasn’t common. That makes this scenario unlikely and somewhat absurd. Plus, Larson loves snakes and probably this would have been a wish fulfillment for him.
Glade. “A small area of grass without trees in a forest.”
I’m American and I said atchoo. It’s probably regional.
It’s a very old nursery rhyme dating from 1744. There are variations, but it’s basically this:
Ladybug! Ladybug! Fly away home. Your house is on fire. And your children all gone.
All except one, And that’s little Ann, For she crept under The frying pan.
I don’t know, but it’s extremely windy up there, so maybe it got blown off course?