Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the info.
A traditional soldering iron in my nation costs about PHP 450 (about USD 7.95). The portability, accelerometer, temp control, easy repair and the ability to solder while charging a phone are 👍, but USD 250 is so high.
Sponsorblock’s been epic! Props to the coder and the contributors.
Why is Firefox getting involved in ads? 💵? To reduce their dependence on Google’s payment for keeping Google as the default search engine?
Real estate investment scam. I wonder if Coffeezilla is working on it.
That Bill Burr clip was 👍. Dogpack has 👍 taste.
Exfat if you wanna use your usb drive on Macos or Linux.
I have Windows so I’m OK with Ntfs.
About 10 years ago, my usb drive was Fat32 by default. I changed it to Ntfs due to Fat32’s 4-GB cap, which I’ve disliked. I’m still using Ntfs.
I’m awaiting the day a firm makes a practical quantum computer. I’ll be stoked on that day. Idk how folks will write programs for it or if the idea of “program” will apply to it at all. Will it make things faster? Like compiling code or frames per second in gaming?
👍 article. Firebricks may accelerate our transition to sustainable energy.
Was the tablet’s touchscreen as responsive as iPad’s? What was the operating system? If Windows, I can see how it failed. Previous versions of Windows were mouse-and-keyboard-first. I think Windows 8 was the 1st to truly consider touch and iPados was still better.
Microsoft had an Arm Surface device a few years ago. It had a 💩 chip.
I viewed “let’s play” series of Alan Wake 1 and 2. Just wanna share my thoughts re AW2. There are spoilers below.
So much reading. Yes, you can skip a lot of those. Yes, the title is Alan Wake 2 and Wake is a writer. But a gamer who very much dislikes reading may be turned off or think “I may be missing much by skipping most of the reading, so I’ll drop this game.”
It seems Alice is alive. So she’s been living sans Alan for 13 years minimum. Extremely :(. I wanted a :) end for them. I can imagine an AW2 where the year is 2013 instead of 2023, and Alan was able to escape the “dark place” in 2013 and live with Alice happily. The writer (I dislike Sam Lake’s writing so I’m not saying Sam Lake) can figure out the plot gymnastics in between to make the game so interesting.
Scratch slew Jaakko Koskela so easyyy. So powerful. He could just slay Anderson, Casey, Cult of the tree and the Fbc at the start.
The Fbc’s light arrays placed far from each other outside the sheriff’s station were plot convenience.
Anderson aided Wake with writing the end despite Wake inserting Logan and David in the tale. 😑
Sarah and Barry were sidelined. :(
Sam Lake most likely disliked a fairy-tale :) end for AW2 but don’t say “In horror, the hero must pay a price to save his pals.” (or something like that) like it’s a rule.
It’s’s best 2023 game but it’s 👎 for me.
If he did conduct illegal lotteries, what a 💩 way to treat your viewers, many of whom were kids, seemingly. He said something like “The 10th buyer in the next 5 min will win 30000.” right? Did those winners get their prizes? If no, it was a scam.
The 💤 deprivation was inhuman. The running thing was cruel.
He’s an ex-worker at Jimmy’s firm. If everything he said is false, it’s an easy defamation lawsuit for Jimmy versus him. He dug his own grave. I think he wasn’t dumb to do that. The points he made made sense to me, except the legal stuff. I’m not an attorney. Anyway, we haven’t heard Jimmy’s side.
I think Dogpack is brave. Jimmy and his attorneys can cook up a worthless lawsuit to hurt Dogpack financially. Jimmy is so rich legal expenses won’t be problematic. While Dogpack may have a hard time with legal expenses, I think.
It’s like Logan Paul versus Coffeezilla. Logan is so rich; Coffeezilla isn’t.
These news articles support my idea that Google doesn’t care re privacy. I’ve been using a Samsung phone, which has Android. Android has permissions re cam, location, 🎙 and others, but I won’t be :o if Google can bypass all the privacy features if it wants my data.
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Yes, 👍 apps.
The issue with touchscreen kiosks is that some have short arms.
On another note, I get the benefits of computer-voice-operated drive-thrus. No need to use your phone. If your phone’s 🔋 is 3%, you can still buy food.
My Samsung a70 doesn’t get major software updates anymore. I’m OK with it. I’ll use this as long as possible.
1 of the 👍 points that were brought up was artificial gatekeeping. Many techies know it but I guess many non-techies don’t know it. Phone makers intentionally not putting the newest features on the old phones to boost the newest phones’ sales should be widely known. I wonder what the public opinion will be.
Agree. turn off 🧠 and view Tenet
Per Nolan, it was his James Bond flick. I’m :) he made it and it wasn’t a cliched intelligence agent flick.
The wit of Protagonist, the lady with the lab coat, Neil, Priya and Kate was 👍.