That is not the definition of escape velocity. Escape velocity is the minimum velocity to escape a body’s gravity well entirely. Orbital is much lower
That is not the definition of escape velocity. Escape velocity is the minimum velocity to escape a body’s gravity well entirely. Orbital is much lower
That is not the definition of escape velocity. Escape velocity is the minimum velocity to escape a body’s gravity well entirely. Orbital is much lower
Ignoring that it burned up and ignoring losses due to drag if it somehow didn’t. Isn’t the point of escape velocity that it explicitly won’t come back down.iar least not on earth. Your trajectory won’t matter as you have enough velocity to escape the gravity of earth and will orbit the sun. Further if you managed the solar system escape velocity you will end up orbiting the galactic core. Trajectory doesn’t matter if you have escape velocity. Correct trajectory just minimizes the delta v needed to reach that escape velocity.
At least that’s all my recollection.
About a year ago, and I don’t recall the specifics. I remember combing through trancode logs and not being able to figure out a path forward. I’m sure I could have solved it given enough time, but failing to play on Firefox or provide a clear solution was enough to convince me that the Wife Approval Factor was going to be too low.
I abandoned jellyfin shortly into my self hosting setup. Plex just worked, with Jellyfin I spent an hour trying to figure out how to get it to serve an acceptable to Firefox codec and never succeeded. I’m sure with more effort I could have figured out what the magic combination was, but it wasn’t obvious and I had too many other things to set up.
This is incredible
Right next to each other lol
Conceptually, LoL filled a hole. DotA was DotA, complicated, hard, lots of nuance. Some people wanted an even more complicated DotA. Heroes of Newerth filled that hole. Some people wanted a simpler DotA. LoL filled that hole.
I personally preferred HoN, but I can’t fault people for preferring LoL.
As a family…I need the family sharing provided by steam. Especially the recent beta version. It’s fantastic.
Essentially yes. I don’t know how much of the designs but weight driven and earlier water driven clocks existed.
Quartz? Quartz clocks are about 100 years old. You make it sound ljke we went from sundials to Casios lol. Mechanical clocks are around 1800 years old. Pendulum clocks around 500 years old and spring mechanical slightly younger.
Yup it will. In fact well before the water boils the chlorine will have come out of solution.
The regen level probably makes no difference if combined with already efficient driving. The idea of coasting by letting off the pedal fully in an EV is flawed. You “coast” in an EV by holding the pedal in a neutral power setting.
Sorry I read “hopefully” as an imperative. At least in the US static home IPs are very rare so I generally assume some form of DDNS will be needed for any home hosting solution
Or just a dynamics dns service like duckdns. Point a CNAME at your duckdns name. Or better still, a cron running locally and updating cloudflare dns etc. Lots of better options for home hosting than hoping your ip stays static.
Truth. The generative AI stuff is just slightly better, slightly more accessible machine learning technologies trained on massive amounts of public internet data.
About the jobs part though, it’s also creating a lot of jobs. Will it be more or less jobs long term, it’s hard to say. However, machine learning right now creates a ton of high paying technical jobs.
How about this. If self check out is a problem go back to paying cashiers.
I think it’s more Luigi and less Floyd