Always been a Bernie guy
Gonna be honest, wasn’t a huge fan of AOC a couple years ago. Glad to see her being the one person out there with Bernie trying to keep it real. Hell yeah
Cops will shoot your dog for barking then wonder why people think they’re assholes
Ah yes, the all knowing AI lmfao
I destroyed my toilet this morning. Am I violent?
“Oh no, the consequences of my actions!”
Get fucked, Russia
Your empty arguments are turning into a snooze fest. Quit assuming things and go pound sand.
Yup. The Socialist Rifle Association. We’ll be ready
You genocider piece of shit, die! Lmao
Hard disagree but go ahead and continue with your low IQ assumptions lol
Then drive or walk, I don’t give a shit.
Go pound sand you incorrigible dumbass.
And what a fucking hypocrite too. You’re all like let’s start another genocide! Lmfao
Ah yes let me single-handedly take down the fascist regime that has taken over our govt.
Edit: it’s hilarious it seems you made this account solely to yell at people you think support genocide. Why don’t you get a plane ticket and come over and do something about it if you’re so inclined? You’re a useless keyboard warrior
Here you go assuming stupid things again lmao. I’m just waiting for the special needs orangutan to be gunned down.
You seem to love him based on your comments you Nazi freak
Your head is so far up your ass no wonder you don’t get it and just make stupid assumptions
Stupid Nazi
And I voted for Harris, who at least would’ve let protesters be and not arrest them. Could’ve had a chance with her once she got away from Biden. Biden admin initiated the ceasefire that everyone is clamoring about anyways.
But the other idiots here voted for Trump. Give him a year or so and it’ll be worse than it ever was under Biden. He’ll build a golf course over in Gaza as a cherry on top for you.
And before your dumbass says it, I never voted for Biden. Voted for Bernie in 2016 and 2020 and he def would’ve been the guy to settle things down.
Now I’m just convinced you’re a Russian troll, fucking idiot Nazi
Lighten up, Francis
Yeah I didn’t get the whole “murder your family” part
You’re really doing your part yelling at a bunch of internet strangers with no control over the situation. Congrats!
If it’s so easy to fix, what are you doing to make things better?
Well you clearly don’t have kids, and if you do, you sound like the shitty parent lol