Wine bottles. After thousands of years of drinking you would think humans would develop a bottle design that doesn’t dribble down the side after pouring.
Wine bottles. After thousands of years of drinking you would think humans would develop a bottle design that doesn’t dribble down the side after pouring.
Light bulbs! I thought when we moved away from the traditional incandescent the new stuff was supposed to last forever. Why do they die all the time!?
What? No. How can that be?
Biomedical engineering professor teaching an entire course on how DNA in its natural state is not actually a double helix and that Watson and Crick were wrong. The guy spent decades of his career after getting tenure pushing this crusade of his. It was a great class and I loved it.
Razzle dazzle root beer
Russ Feingold, or Thom Hartmann
A peck, equivalent to 2 dry gallons. Yay imperial units!
Real topics: Data Science, or maybe Quantitative Physiology
Topic near and dear to my heart: How to pick up a new hobby quickly and then immediately move on to the next hobby.
Conker’s Bad Fur Day
Flower boob trampoline
California is cool, I just don’t like LA. It’s dirty, crowded, has traffic 24/7, and everything is expensive just to name a few reasons.
This is my answer too. I think each version of the doctor shines in a fun unique way. My favorite was my first (Christopher eccleston) but they are all wonderful.
“Never be cruel, never be cowardly. Hate is always foolish…and love is always wise. Always try to be nice and never fail to be kind”