Of course it works. See WeChat in China.
But I doubt it’ll be X that will make it work in the rest of the world.
Of course it works. See WeChat in China.
But I doubt it’ll be X that will make it work in the rest of the world.
This is the way.
Apple TV is an amazing device and I hope it’ll be even better in 1-2 years. Put an M3 inside the Apple TV and you get a console on PS4 level and a multimedia device.
I really hope Apple will do this.
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You were richer than 80% of the earths population. What else do you want? Most countries don’t even have minimum wage.
Aren’t there any maintenance costs?
The funny thing is that the Arbeitnehmerrechte will costs us den Wohlstand and the reason why we’re getting abgehängt in sectors like the automotive industry.
Even the worst store in Germany looks better than this.
Indeed. Microsoft is definitely the winner.
Pretty sure Sam and Greg got A LOT of money to get „convinced“ to start at Microsoft
Steam Deck: Alyx
That’s just dumb, we were talking about Musk.
Continue to be consumed by hate. I’m out of this unproductive discussion.
Look up the job of an entrepreneur.
Then why didn’t NASA invented reusable rockets? And why Russia doesn’t have reusable rockets? That’s just dumb. I get the hate of Musk but declining what he did is just hate and not objective.
You guys are doing exactly the same thing you hate Musk for.
You can think of Elon whatever you want but SpaceX is a big achievement for humanity. Yes he didn’t even everything himself but he puzzled everything together to get reusable rockets. That’s how disruptive companies work.
One communist is still better than 1000 people from the right spectrum. The communist is at least not nationalistic and accepts people of different cultures, colors and heritages.
Sounds like smart guy. He has the potential to discover the theory of relativity.
Singapore is on my bucket list
There are enough incredible countries where you don’t have to worry about perverts and being raped as a woman.
The fuck?