Engineer/Mathematician/Student. I’m not insane unless I’m in a schizoposting or distressing memes mood; I promise.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • I grew up in a small Utah town. The only four adults I ever remember hearing admit they were wrong especially when it came to politics or science or religion were my father and three of my high school teachers.

    All the rest would literally tell me that the research papers and encyclopedias I tried to cite as evidence were made up by either satan or some government deep state conspiracy. Or they’d say we can “agree to disagree” about shit like animals feeling pain and the flaws in eugenics (I wish I was joking)

    Yes, they have always been this stupid. Learning requires accepting when you’re wrong and the vast majority of people I knew growing up saw that as weakness.

    I thought it would be different when I got out of that place, and while living in a larger city is better, it’s not better by all that much.

  • Could you expand on what you mean by modular web technologies? Also when would you say the shift over from interoperable web technologies to one-stop-shop happened?

    I’m relatively young and wasn’t really allowed on the internet, but from what I remember (trying to build websites on the old family computer in the basement lol) there were lots of issues with browsers not working with the same CSS properties circa 2016. Then again I had no idea what I was doing at the time so maybe it wasn’t so bad.

    YouTube seemed to start going down hill shortly after that, followed swiftly by other apps and sites.

    Basically as soon as I got consistent internet access it seemed like the internet was getting worse, but it seemed like lots of interoperability/compatibility issues were resolved over the decline in quality of the content of the net.

    Again, I didn’t have much experience with the old net so I want to know your perspective

  • I recently had to install windows for a research project and the fact the “latest version” i downloaded moments before needed to update while installing and then again needed to update twice after it was installed pissed me off way more than it should.

    Also gotta love that my laptop can go 5+hrs on a charge with arch and xfce but lasts less than 2hrs on windows.

  • I recently made a decision to transfer colleges in order to save my mental health. This meant I’d have to take on a few student loans, but with FAFSA it still felt manageable, and it has significantly improved my life.

    However, If financial assistance from the government drops, the chances I will be able to afford school long enough to graduate drop significantly too.

    I’m not super jazzed about that; though, I still think the transfer was worth it.

    Oh yeah, also, I just recently got medicated for ADHD and it’s what’s let me start to pull my life together, but adderall might get banned so… rip me.

    Maybe I’ll take up smoking lol. I mean that as a joke, but what a world when clinically safe, prescribed meds might get banned but literal cancer causing, heavy metal filled, habit forming drugs are going to be legal forever…

    Cheers mates, couldn’t have asked for a better seat to watch the final fall of America and possibly the rest of the world. Good luck to all of you who’ll last longer than me.

  • Remember folks: weather models are based on historical data. As climate change forces weather patterns to break from their historical norms, weather predictions based on previous models will become increasingly inaccurate.

    Though the local, short term predictions shouldn’t be that affected so I have no clue why Siri tells me “it doesn’t look like it will rain today” while there’s literally rain falling outside my window…

  • If it wasn’t clear, I’m well aware of the unlikelihood of the situation. But what’s the harm in believing such? I mean it’s not like either of them is going to come back from the dead and say: “Actually, we argued about the internal weight distribution from astronaut motion, how it would effect the natural frequency of the capsule, and if that effect would be significant enough to need accounting for, not racism.”

  • Pi as in math like Euler’s identity, cannot be changed. It arises from the definition of e and imaginary numbers, both of which arise from the natural numbers which arise directly from axioms.

    Pi as in the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, however, could be changed, in which case you would change the fundamental geometry of space. This would be neither hyperbolic nor spherical space because those spaces still use the mathematical pi for determining angles (along with hyperbolic trig functions of course).

    The geometry would likely be much closer to Chebyshev or Taxicab space since the ratio of circumference to diameter in those spaces is 4 (I think…). Because of this, I suspect that using a distance function like in Chebyshev or Manhattan but with a triangular grid instead of a square one would yield this exact situation where geometric pi=3. This would be confusing as hell but now I’m curious and have coincidentally already started exploring the concept of metric spaces so I’ll look into it. Though I’ll probably get distracted and forget…

    Edit: Found it, Chebyshev distance on hexagonal grid would give a circumference/diameter ratio of 3. So a metric space with a distance function like that is the geometry you want.

  • Fun fact, my grandfather was a leading engineer on the Saturn V and other aerospace projects, and according to my dad he apparently got into arguments with Von Braun. Considering the line of work and knowing some of my grandfather’s written down arguments from that time, it’s likely these arguments were more about random physics than anything else, but I like to think it was about von Braun being a Nazi piece of shit.

    I do know my grandparents were very against segregation to the chagrin of their neighbors, so it’s not entirely unlikely right?