Ah that would make sense
Ah that would make sense
How does this work? It’s filtered but still visible?
Good to know
I don’t believe the APU would be usable in flight, but they should have a RAT. Also don’t black boxes have their own batteries?
So glad we now live on an episode of the Jerry Springer show, so much better than the last 4 years…
I’m not an expert, I only fly small piston planes, but watching the video the cowling has opened as they do when the thrust reversers have been applied, however the engines are dragging on the ground so I’d assume that forced them open. I’m not sure if opening the exterior would engage the thrust reverser (i.e. is the external mechanism tied to the internal mechanism so they move together, or do they move independently?), if not then we can’t conclude much from the video.
You also generally don’t raise the gear until you have positive rate of climb, I only fly small planes, but the principal should be the same.
This plane looks like it’s going way too fast and not in landing configuration. Maybe they couldn’t get the plane into landing configuration due to some failure, that would require them to keep their speed up (flaps/slats reduce the landing speed), but even then it looked like they weren’t slowing down, so maybe they were still under power?
Most importantly is to ask why is he subject to time? Our only concept of existing or being alive is tied to time: thought is a change of state, and change is defined by a progression of time. But if God is everything, why is he subject to time? What’s “outside” time?
They get wealthy people to donate.
You can hire someone in another country to drive remotely, so can find cheaper labor. They could also theoretically have them multitask driving multiple vehicles at once.
Edit to clarify, I don’t think this is good, but I think people trying to make money (eg Musk) will push for these kinds of things regardless of the safety.
I need help with this data too for similar reasons.
What country? Asking for a friend…
You could always brute force comparisons between different mods
I read OPs comment as being a question about using a company with a reputation like Google rather than using a cloud service, but I could be wrong.
I wonder if it’s cheaper to just store and vend the censored version from a CDN? Though maybe they could just do the censor step in the app, idk
Hardwood is no joke
It’s obvious but blew my mind when I was told that
Oh you put them in the dishwasher? I guess I didn’t think of that
They’re not really easy to clean, but I’m sure I’m also “cooking wrong”. With that said I only ever use cast iron so I don’t really care
What about tejava (spelling?)