Like when they overrode obamas veto.
Like when they overrode obamas veto.
If Kevin wanted someone to uphold a deal he should’ve upheld his own.
There’s plenty of hard drive space on hunter bidens laptop.
“Vivek says what most people are feeling, he doesn’t even really speak in partisan terms,” said Tricia McLaughlin, senior adviser and communications director for the campaign. “Most of the things he’s talking about are not Republican or Democrat, it’s American issues.”
And since he keeps saying racist shit we must assume he thinks America is a racist country.
A faster one won’t exist, fine. what about an oled deck?
How can anyone unite with these fucksticks who want to turn America into a christofascist country.
He’s one of those true believers in the old school republican party. Too bad even back then it meant siding with racists and grifters and bigots of all kinds. But I don’t believe romney is any of those, I think he’s a decent person overall who I completely disagree on public policy on for the most part. Now he has no place in the republican party.
Hey dumbass they ain’t prolife they’re procontrol of women’s body and reproduction.
That can be one aspect of grooming. But there’s plenty of people grooming kids for abuse much sooner than when they turn 18.
Yeah they’re still mad Nixon was forced to resign. So they tried their best to throw mud at every Democrat since. They had something, no matter how small, to impeach Clinton over and fumed over not being able to impeach Obama. Trump deserved impeachment more than he got. And now they are madder about that.
not the glow up i wanted
i heard hunters laptop has a big hard drive
They were somewhere over Las Vegas when James made his suggestion that they were in batshitcrazy country.
you can only enforce what the courts let you unfortunately.
I have no idea if KinKi kids is a bad translation, an abriviation, or what but it looks like someone was trying to tell on themselves with that in English.
They don’t even want high schoolers to read that stuff. Not like they couldn’t get it other places or that generally by high school kids have a grasp on their sexuality or are figuring it out. And books like that can really help kids who are in a tough spot, like being lgbtq+ and having an asshole like Kennedy here as a father.
Don’t forget Rand Paul and his letter.
I do it all the time to pull pictures off my camera to my phone. I can picture other photographers doing the same.
Of course putin would side with his lap dog.
maybe they should elect the brave sir robin as speaker