• 7 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: May 13th, 2024

  • That’s a nice analogy.

    I wouldn’t worry as much about Alt-Right conservatives here - they tried but couldn’t get a foothold, and after being defederated from all instances eventually collapsed internally, and went to Truth Social. Here, we ironically have much more to worry about from the Alt-Left that uses identical patterns of behaviors, just ostensibly on the “left”.

    I’d love to learn more about this story. Who is alt-left? How do they behave?

  • Cool, I think I understand it better now.

    So an r/TheDonald situation on Lemmy would effectively mean this community can exist forever until it is just lonely sitting by itself defederated from every other instance in the lemmyverse (fediverse?). So it is impossible to basically shut something like that down on a global scale, only to North Korea it. (At which point, as the analogy goes, they are forced to send their soldiers to help with the Russians and find a way to make trouble that way)

    I suppose that’s a fair price to pay for decentralisation. Thanks for the responses.

  • Ok thanks. I’m a little confused by what that means for voting. Is it possible that anti authoritarian posts or comments still get downvote- brigaded by an instance that is technically defederated from the instance of the OP?

    So let’s say instance A and B are defederated from each other, but both are with instance C. User from A posts something on C and every B user still gets to downvote everything to oblivion right?

    So .ml is effectively r/TheDonald and we can’t do much against brigading?

  • Well argued.

    I didn’t post it, I just saved it somewhere on .ml and it is gone, and found it back on !progressivepolitics@lemmy.world

    My question stands though, I sense that “political” is used fairly broadstrokely It almost means “complicated, longer than 5 second attention span” stuff.

    With political meaning “relating to the government or public affairs of a country”, e.g. a broad definition too. However, a free person being essentially abducted on the street by plain clothes “law enforcement” could perhaps be seen as a humanitarian, civil liberty, freedom of speech, and some many others before it being just “political”.

    Is there a guideline on Lemmy why we let the tankies be part of this or is a bit of an analogy to the r/TheDonald situation on Reddit? As in: I hope that we don’t slide the same way.

  • The Fourth Reich is being established under our eyes. What’s the point of social media if a bunch of idiot mods can stop the world from seeing this very essential information?

    I would like to have a better definition of what constitutes “political”, what is “humanitarian” then?

    Should this be clearly defined per instance?

    Like we don’t even have Reddit anymore. All we have is this sputtering slow barely anyone here fresh fragile digital space where we can share some minor resistance, can we at least not have any self sabotage here?

  • I think it’s one of those things that when you see it you can’t unsee it.

    It’s heavily tied to whether you are looking at actual climate and resource data or just following the day to day shenanigans.

    I’ve tried to offer a bit more context in a different response a bit lower, but I’d say the best thing to do is go get engaged in conversation with people who are seeing it.

    As far as I can tell there is a part of the population that simply doesn’t want to see this either. On Lemmy it seems to be around 20% but I think the overall population is probably closer if not over 60%. It’s a really full on realisation and reality shifting experience for people who have done everything by the book, went to university, bought the house, did the making kids thing, paying mortgages, watch the tv shows and talk about the tv shows to people at “parties”.

    It’s hard to have that whole American Dream paradigm fall apart.

    ETA: to illustrate this point, there are people going to downvote this comment, and a bunch of my previous ones, just because they don’t want others to also experience reading this. Fck man, I was hoping this wouldn’t become reddit so fast.

  • tldr; as captains of the Titanic they have known we hit an iceberg and we are going to sink. Their delusion is not that we wont sink, but that we can get off this planet fast enough with rockets and colonise Mars in time. So their actions are both playing the “everything is still possible” narrative in Hollywood and media outlets they own, while also amping up war rhetoric to distract us from the famines that are about to start in the next 5 years.

    Long version

    Ok, I’ll try. I overestimated that this would be clear to most on Lemmy, but happy to share my thoughts behind creating this meme.

    First off, it is happening. The first domino’s are falling, and there is nothing we can do to avert the death of billions in the next 2-3 decades. If you find that shocking, remember that if you’re halfway your life expectancy right now, you nearly witnessed the world population double in that half life time.

    When I say the next line, don’t see at as a synonym to advocate for war. The only thing we can ‘do’ is start wars, and win them. Putin is already there, Netanyahu followed soon there after. Not to mention Sudan and Congo, though we prefer our wars to be about white people to keep the media clicks up.

    Divide and Conquer

    The rich and powerful have studied French revolutionary history and are very aware that these times are testing times for them too. They have a number of attack vectors to keep us in check. Their core mantra is essentially being the captain on the Titanic telling everyone they will be fine. They got the media bought up literally, so they can easily make us hate Russians or Trump or the Non-White-Skin-Colour-Of-They-Are-Eating-The-Cats™.

    DJT was mostly installed because he just follows orders and didn’t want to go to jail, so he’s easily compromised, but they wanted him because he can provide smoke and mirrors the abolishment of the US constitution the easiest and fastest without too much questioning because of his cult of personality. Also he’s delightfully divisive. Then they will create more wars. Wars unite the peasants and wars help reduce population sizes. But most importantly wars distract. From what?

    Not Change, but Apocalypse

    Well, from their wealth inequality for one, but the Climate Armageddon that is about to hit us. This will happen a lot faster than predicted and a lot more severe too. Remember they control the media. They know how bad it will get and they have diluted climate change studies for decades. All the projections have been soft from day one. Even now, you can’t watch a mainstream climate change piece without it always ending with this tacky music and hopium voiceover in the end “the future is uncertain, but if we keep at it we might just have a brighter future for our children” (mentioning the children really works)

    That’s why they were building bunkers in the late 90s and are all building penis rockets and thinking even dead cold Mars is a better option. This is not about becoming a multi planetary civilisation, this is about there are not enough lifeboats for all of us.

    Faster and sooner than expected

    The climate feedback loops have only been triggered in the last three years. They were almost completely omitted in the initial official climate reports for decades but I’m sure there was a higher priced climate report that did include what the effects of the climate feedback loops would be.

    They also understand, as some commenters pointed out, that their lifestyle can only continue as long as we believe there’s a future and hope to one day achieve the same life standards as our parents.

    There are other important factors that make them believe this is the final run such as the dwindling global oil reserves, the impact the climate apocalypse will have on the global food security etc

    I’m not sure if that answers your why they would expect its collapse.

    If it doesn’t, then it also won’t really explain their actions.

    So, they expect collapse because they have had much more precise climate and civilisation collapse models privately funded for the better part of this century, the first ones were still public and publicly funded from the 80’s, nearly all of them were pointing to 2030 to 2040 as a critical point of inflection. I.e. they have known for at least 2 decades with a fairly high degree of certainty we have hit an iceberg. They also know there are not enough life rafts. And they know that if the current race wars are replaced by class wars, they are really not going to enjoy the rest of their lives.

    It explains why they gave the POTUS king power last year, how they rigged it so their puppet would win, and how they are preparing everything for the establishment of the 4th Reich. War will distract us, war will cull our numbers and war will stimulate the endless growth economy, which will keep shrinking alarmingly once the famines start, because — unsurprisingly — endless economic growth never had much to do with innovation, intelligence, efficiency or clever marketing, but just a reflection on the batshit crazy population growth we’ve had since the end of WWII.

    Famine is the biggest enemy of economic growth, war is its biggest accelerator.

    Hope this explains it a bit better.

  • Once you had that money you would understand that preparing means making sure your head doesn’t end up in a guillotine.

    Waiting in your bunker is sad. What if you could have fun, drink the wine the peasants made, see the Earth, and get by with a modest security detail? All you have to do is own and control the modern day version of the newspaper.

    It’s a tale as old as time.

    The preparation you’re talking about was complete 10 or 20 years ago. Now they’re just having fun and moving so that they’re lifestyle can continue without telling us the truth, or if we found out the truth that we kill each other first before we kill them.