Lol that’s really funny…I actually hate yoga too, but it doesn’t provoke rage, just annoyance because the last thing I wanna do is listen to some white lady done on about chakras! But for it to provoke anger in inmates is disturbing.
don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine
Lol that’s really funny…I actually hate yoga too, but it doesn’t provoke rage, just annoyance because the last thing I wanna do is listen to some white lady done on about chakras! But for it to provoke anger in inmates is disturbing.
Ha, I’ve never heard hunt and peck called “chicken typing” before, I kinda like it!
I learned to type in junior high on a Wang (with the black and spinach-green screen), and our typing teacher would tape a piece of paper to the top of the keyboard. Our fingers went under the paper so that we couldn’t see what keys we were touching. It made you learn quickly to find your home row keys, and after that learning to type was pretty fun and painless.
Do kids not get a typing class anymore?
ETA: before my typing class I ‘taught’ myself on a Selectric at my mom’s office - man did I have to unlearn some bad habits!
Oh man I tried meditation with Headspace too and I couldn’t hack it. For some reason meditation made me so angry! Like this weird rage would come out of nowhere.
I did find it frustrating that the narrator would give a prompt for what to do, then just enough quiet time to begin, and then interrupt my effort with his talking. Aggravating! But the anger was a separate thing.
I always thought meditation was supposed to help you feel calm and grounded but all it did was frustrate me. :(
I don’t know, I got a couch at Ethan Allen that is still in really good shape despite frequent use.
Remodeling my bathroom, getting my hip fixed so I can go back to not skipping leg day, and possibly a trip to the Tetons.
This is why sometimes dog lick my nose.
I tell her to keep her licker in her licker cabinet but she no listen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Cool sub! I only know Outkast’s Hey Ya out of the songs you’ve analyzed but I thought the analysis was really interesting.
What do you mean by ‘agnostic Christian’ - that would seem to be an oxymoron?
I just knew this would be Husk Musk!
It’s just disgusting how there’s no low too low for him. What a disgrace he is.
Yep - back in the day the LiveJournal childfree comm had a similar list which was really helpful!
Oh man it was a nightmare finding someone who would sterilize me. I was 24 when I started seriously looking, and I can’t tell you how many doctors told me I’d change my mind about not wanting kids (insert huuuge eyeroll here), and one doctor even said that he thought my boyfriend was forcing me into it and that I didn’t understand how permanent it was. Thankfully I did finally find someone to take me seriously but man, what a pain in the ass!
Which medicine cabinet did you get?
Yup this is why I got my tubes tied. Too much anxiety just relying on the pill!
Not much of a girlfriend, we never seem to get along
Wait hang on I’ve been using “za” for ages, was this not legal until now?
Could we have kippers for breakfast, Mummy dear, Mummy dear?