This is the way. Also: my bathroom floor is heated for that extra bit of comfort in winter.
This is the way. Also: my bathroom floor is heated for that extra bit of comfort in winter.
I was going to paste the same link. :) Have my upvote instead.
Well, as the ‘characters’ in Friends are all dumb fucks, Ross may have already been the only sentient one. But that ws probably the joke anyway.
Well it was not on my e/OS phone either, so I was a bit smug. My wife’s Android phone did have it. Did.
Don’t forget the morons who keep worshipping said pieces of shit. Even now, I run into Musk cultists regularly.
Same. I had a classmate who was JW (or rather, his parents were). He was an actual nice kid who was frendly to everybody, had a good sense of humor and was quite smart. One day, he fell in love with a girl outside of his community (i.e. not a JW). He got the choice of either being ostracized or breaking up with her. That’s not a choice I’d want to make in my late teens. Last I heard of him is that he made it out.
Because the Gulf of Mexico has oil?
Serious answer: when my sister had jaw surgery, the simply threw stuff in the blender. Make pasta sauce, add pasta, throw in blender. You’ll feel like an old person for a few weeks, but you’ll be fed.
Even more serious answer: what do your medical peoples say about this?
OP, where do you live? I get thumbs up all the time. Sometimes as a greeting, sometimes as an encouragement (e.g. during a run), sometimes even as a means of communication in traffic.
And that, dear kids, is why the European car industry is failing.
Quit university and learn a proper job.
(in the end I did, but it took way too long for me to make that decision)
The Brazilians know what they are talking about. It may be a good idea for the US to listen to some advice for a change.
I think Alpine.
My wife has custom ear plugs with swappable filters. One type of filter is meant for concerts, whereas another type filters out wind noise. She uses the latter type on her motorcycle trips. This kind of ear plugs can be bought at audicians back here in Yurp. I am not sure about other contintents.
I like the way you think. Take my upvote.
One reason I have not read yet: scapegoating. In my country, back in the early 2000s it was the “terrorists” who made it possible to enforce a few unpopular and unconstitutional policies. Nowadays, it is the “immigrants” who take our jobs (we have a job shortage), housing (which was sold off to investors) and health care (which was sold off to investors). Point to a group that cannot defend itself and people will vote in your favor.
Spoken from a European perspective: within a few decades, the US will lose its status as a superpower as it slides into isolationism. You simply cannot be both isolationist and a military and economic superpower. Add to it that much tech is still in the US, but people are waking up to the inherent vulnerability in that. Think government data being on US servers.
These developments will hurt the entire world in the short term and new superpowers will rise. Russia has had its day, but China and India will be the top dogs. I am not discounting Brazil either as a local superpower is South-America. We do probably not want it, but they have the people and the production capacity.
The next four years will accelerate all that. I have already read the first questions about F-35 warplanes being a wise choice as the US could potentially disable them remotely. That would turn them into expensive paperweights at the whim of the US. If the US themselves are less than stable, that would be a very precarious situation.
If you cannot chew with your mouth closed and you are older than 6 years, you should not be allowed to vote, operate heavy machinery or have children.
Noisy space battles.