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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2024

  • Idk I’d guess for a lot of people it’s just pinning their dislike which might come from anywhere to a superficialy unfamiliar part of whatever media they are watching. The other reason is like, conservative patriarchal propaganda, trolling, bait whatever and just sorta falling into the crowd on any of these.

    Also there is media written for women that likely doesn’t have this problem, or at least not as much. But then again the normative position to sell to is a male one.

    Now being male I never really see an issue with my media representation(because there is none at least from numbers), but also I generally complain about media not for it’s cast of characters. If I complain it’s usually, either because I just feel uncomfortable/bored with it for whatever reason, or because it comes of as disingenuous or lazy, both of which will get me to drop it.

    Art by committee/ marketing aim doesn’t feel right to me usually and casting female/progressive can sometimes happen for that reason. As in a part of the cast makeup is decided in order to bait a particular reaction to generate publicity, and conservatives being angry is still publicity.

    In this case then the real issue of bad art is doubly masked by one one hand people complaining about woke cast, while on the other hand people consume slop they would’ve never known if not for baited conservatives complaining. While the production behind it laughs it’s way to the bank.

    I’m just one guy tho who hasn’t really even seen all that much what do I know about art, content and the world.

  • Kommt halt auf die margins an die die kriegen, verkaufste 3-4 Pfannen haste das Display drinn. Wenn man dafür dann den printer plus das gehickhacke damit rauswerfen kann, kann man sich bestimmt bei bis zu [1-3]00€ schönrechnen.

    Verstehe deinen Frust aber gut Ich wünsche mir auch schon länger bezahlbare einks aber das einzige was existiert sind die Supermarkt Dinger, und die sind klein und jetzt nicht so wirklich Benutzerfreundlich wenn man nicht Grade Preise anzeigen will.

    Hab mir vork kurzem so’n uralt Sony Reader geholt und das Display und die damit einhergehende Laufzeit ist schon was feines Android 2/3 ist was wild in 2025 aber für 15€ erstaunlich in Ordnung. Die bücher sind bei Anna bzw zlib ja durchaus sehr erschwinglich.

    Im richtigen high end sieht man da immer Mal wieder coole Sachen ist aber sicher unbezahlbar A1 Vollfarbe ziemlich wild https://youtu.be/GZovXr3n66E?si=jJKo8AkVmCvUc_KG

  • I mean not voting is often/in many places the most popular American presidential candidate, obviously not just because plenty are stupid or apathetic, but also because it’s been made pretty hard to vote in many places.

    It’s more accurate to say that the majority didn’t (manage to) vote against him. So the conclusion is more like the majority didn’t care enough to prevent this, instead of the majority wanted this.

    To you it might feel no different but seen from the outside it very much is different. The consequences are still bad, but your consequence shouldn’t be resignation, Americas citizens failed themselves sure but they aren’t overwhelmingly monsters.

    With the amount of fuckery in terms of media and the whole election process in the US this is a more fair assesment.

  • Yes it’s freemium, but it’s very usable for free. I’d estimate 95% of non professional users don’t care for the difference between free and paid. Also if you want to pay it’s a perpetual license for the current version, not a subscription like increasingly common.

    It’s competitive with Adobe in terms of features and usability UX/UI, perhaps even better than Adobe in some parts.

    It’s probably the best choice if you want to do video, movie maker and the like are to weak for your use case, and your not an ffmpeg magician. Because you can download it for free and get used to it quickly, and it can likely do everything you want for free. Except GPU rendering.