Strange, I’ve had little problems with Space Engineers and protondb mostly seems to agree.
Strange, I’ve had little problems with Space Engineers and protondb mostly seems to agree.
Apex works flawlessly, without having to do any manual tweaking.
Afaik there is a patched wine version that still lets you play LoL, but with Fortnite you’re sol.
If your guest OS is Linux, you can use Virgl to get much better OpenGL performance in the VM.
Anyone here who uses this regularly? I’ve been using FL Studio for the past 10 years, how does ardour fare in comparison?
Afaik the free version has no support for h264 whatsoever on Linux. I think you will have to transcode.
So tired of this uninformed bashing honestly.
But while we’re at it: There are some coal-powered trains still in service in Germany, though mostly as attractions. Example:
Slowly and with lots of unplanned breaks in between.
I’ve never understood why people think that anyways - if you’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with German bureaucracy, you would have lost that view instantly.
There’s an open issue somewhere on GitHub (Valve’s CS2 repo), it seems to be an issue with SDL, which Counter Strike uses to interface with pipewire. Afaik no one is quite sure why the delay builds up, but it doesn’t seem like an issue with pipewire itself.
I wonder if the rate switching will change anything for those of us who like to have their sample rate at 48k and currently suffer from gradually growing audio delay in CS2.
If you’re not joking:
Pretty sure that comment was in relation to Israel and the US, not Hamas and Egypt.
Par for the course for fascist Israel.
Who upvotes this trash? Zero comments but 10+ upvotes on a garbage opinion piece by one of the most biased sources there is?
I mean, come on, whatever side of the issue you’re on, pretending the PKK is just a workers party is ludicrous.
“Retard” who bought Nvidia here.
I know it’s 4chan banter and generally agree with anons points, but here goes:
KDE Connect for the win.
While not community-developed per se, the RISC-V processor architecture is completely open, in contrast to all other architectures which are widely deployed, such as x86, AMD64 or ARM.
Out of interest - which tool(s) did you use to generate this outline?
What an idiotic sentiment
I’ve been using Nextcloud docker for quite some time, updated it countless times, have never had any problems whatsoever.
If you’re willing to self-host, Nextcloud notes is quite good.
Somewhat off-topic: those who are just looking for a decent navigation app based on OSM with a much smoother rendering than OSMAnd, try “Organic Maps”, it’s amazing.