You know who won’t rat you out? Aliexpress
You know who won’t rat you out? Aliexpress
I mean it also plowed through a kid because it was foggy, then rainy. The wall was just one of the tests the tesla failed.
Xbmc didn’t become plex. It’s still alive and kicking but rebranded to Kodi (mostly because it had little to do with xbox anymore) ages ago.
By your math they were down 80k before you gave them your money and cut their loss down to 40k. There’s no guarantee that anyone is going to buy them, in fact this is an issue tesla already has. Fields of new cars rotting away because they’re not selling.
I mean, you’re really just putting value on your distaste of musk. For a 40-60k payoff you can do business with him.
It’s more like you’d be letting them cut their losses. $40k > $0
Because Trump thinks he’s Putin and wants to annex Canada.
Knowing you have panic attacks and seeking therapy for them is knowing you’re “fucked up”. No one would try to seek treatment for a problem they don’t have (a couple exceptions to this which themselves are some amount of “fucked up”).
He’s like Moses for felons
Is there anything more American than a protection racket?
There’s no billboard on the car in the article. There’s likely a small sticker somewhere. This is a common practice by business owners so they can file their personal vehicle as a business expense and dodge some of their tax liability. Frankly it’s a pretty shitty practice.
At least they’re self-aware enough to recognize that they’re fascists? Silver lining?
It’s more that the newer models are going to need less compute to train and run them.
Their interests are his interests, not ours.
Definitely not trying to say it’s a bad thing. We need more businesses like Costco.
But it’s not necessarily the career you set out to have.
Doubt it. Costco as a corporation has been very employee-friendly for a long time. I’ve heard Costco employees call the job a career killer because many who have aspirations for another career after they finish their degree (I’ve heard they have good education programs too) wind up working for Costco corporate because the pay and benefits are so good and Costco prefers to promote from within when possible.
I’m not really surprised. They’re the only nation really equipped to step into the power vacuum America is leaving behind and I’m sure it isn’t lost in Xi the kind of stability and influence that gave America over the years.
The only question (and frankly the one they’re asking here) is will what’s left of the free world accept them even though they’re not really a free nation.