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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: February 24th, 2024


  • Like everything that this goon touches, this neuralink shit is a farce. The leads need to be placed very specifically, then they need to not move with brain growth. They move, and fail, and then musk doctors get to open your head up again to reset them. This shit is never going to be viable. With muskrat involved it is certainly to be a grift.

    But, this company synchron has it figured out. No placing leads, no open brain surgery. Outpatient install, and adaptive. Thing becomes part of the vein wall.

  • Standard oil was pouring gasoline into rivers as waste before Henry Ford and his Model T came along.

    The auto industry gutted public transit across the country. GM diesel buses replaced electric urban rail systems.

    GM made the EV1 and it was a huge hit, then they destroyed them all after collecting them from their users (they leased them all, no one got a chance to buy any)

    And now, Ford just got a bunch of credit for putting a Billion $$ into the Detroit central train station, … so they can “design” EVs.

    They are mocking us, that train station has no trains because the auto industry killed them. The building was unused because of cars. And now they are going to design something that was figured out 125 years ago that they destroyed. It is a monument to their domination of our economy.

    Imagine, what kind of public transit we could have if we stopped building infrastructure for car companies and built actual mobility systems?

  • I moved to Detroit from a HCOL city I was established in. I was renting and the options I had to buy were not hopeful. The taxes alone would have kept me working for more money year over year for the foreseeable future.

    I took what would have been a down payment and bought a place outright. I bought a project and it was cheap, only half my down payment fund.

    Now I am all set up. I have no mortgage to pay. My house costs me taxes ($1700/yr) and insurance ($1500/yr) plus utilities ($50 internet, $150 gas&electric, $60 water) That is about $550/month.

    In michigan, taxable value increases are capped at 5%.

    I figure I can work any job and stay ahead of the bills. Yesterday I did a brake job for a friend of a friend for $200 and didn’t even need to leave the house. I can do things like this here and there and get by without even having a job.

    I have never known this amount of stability in housing as an adult before. It is wild. I own this whole damn house and everything in it. I also made a bunch of equity right out the gate by fixing up an abandoned trap house.

    Not trying to lay out a plan for others, just wanted to share how my plan has been a success and that Detroit is a place where home ownership is attainable.

    Oh, couple other things. I have no kids and the schools were not a problem for me. Although the neighborhood kids are all wonderful.

    I am not interested in living in “the country”. I am a city person, I want my resources close. I can walk to a hardware, grocery, and auto parts store from my place. No thanks on 30min drives to dollar general and TSC on the fancy days.

  • red meat, any charred meat, chicken is reported back and forth often depending on things like who owns the media outlet or who funded the report. Fish is all over, its too broad a net to cast. Different types of fish from different parts of the world, Trillions of them are eaten every year.

    With capitalism and the government entangled in the industry. I know they use propaganda to enhance their markets. My personal outlook on it is that the stance that cancer and animal consumption has solid findings. Our government (US) actively promotes the industry and subsidizes it with billions of $$$. Then on the cdc page they list red meat as a cancer causing carcinogen. In America, profits are #1. Cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are big money makers for pharmaceutical companies. JBS is a huge company. Owners are convicted criminals for bribing politicians. They raise animals in africa and california and then ship them to china. None of this has any concern about our health. For me, I have seen and read enough to make the decision to stay away from it. Anything to keep me out of the US healthcare system.

  • Maybe but that entirely ignores that capitalism has been marketing to them with commercials and coupon clubs for decades and that these products advertise themselves as things they are not because the government is in cahoots with the ag industry and happily deregulates so JBS can sell more meat to chinas growing demand. How can we over look this? How about the got milk campaign? sugar drink advertised as health food by the government for decades 67% of people are allergic to. More context there is that one particularly marginalized group of americans is 3-4x as likely to be allergic, so it isn’t not a racial issue also.

    I cook rice in a rice maker, and beans in a crock pot. It really doesn’t get tougher. Like at some point it has to get put on a plate or in a bowl and then some would have to use tools like forks and spoons to get it into their mouths. Then there are the dishes, oh man who wants to wash dishes, think of all that time saved. /s