I think a better preface would be “I was going to say a joke about the postal service… But it always has a poor delivery.”
I think a better preface would be “I was going to say a joke about the postal service… But it always has a poor delivery.”
Most comments seem to be focused on the logistics of applying and financial concerns. Those are important, but before that I would strongly suggest you evaluate your reasons for doing the program and understand your commitment. For one, interviews and applications will want to know this anyway, and two, these reasons can be tested when things get difficult.
A few insights: school has changed in the last few decades. Things are more lean and there is more expected from students. A big divide if you consider a PhD program is whether it is a researched based (eg R1) or teaching school. A research based school is more competitive and honestly feels like a business sometimes. How many papers can you crank out? Can you devote extra time to helping research professors so that you get better opportunities?
There is a changing (and unclear) landscape of software. Sources libraries and PDF organizers can be helpful. Most the students I know are using some form of AI to read or write papers, and they make edits and such. There is ongoing debate on the ethics, but people are using it regardless. If the precedent becomes writing papers at the efficiency of using AI to structure the papers, the level of expectations again rises.
Also be sure to have a support system in place. Things can get overwhelming and frustrating, and leaning on people when needed will be important.
Start with really pondering your reasons for doing the program and see if a program would fit those needs. And it would be a great idea to reach out to current students at least a couple of different schools to get their input on how the program is. There is only so much you can gain from reading the website. If it is really what you want to do, start looking at the requirements and email the program director or assistant to see if you’re missing anything.
This is the onion-ness we all deserve
If you’re on iOS, Arctic made some big updates that make it arguably better than Voyager IMO. The biggest thing that got me was color picker themes, so you can literally make your own theme (and save and share them). Also the markdown is pretty great now. Voyager is still pretty solid and very good performance and features.
That might have been me, I always ask for more visual options haha. The colors really make it more pleasant to use. Anecdotally, the performance seems better with transparencies off, using opaque colors. 
Thanks for the tip for testing the colors. And sharing the preview. I’ll try editing my post to have the previews included.
Also on a personal note, make sure you pace yourself and take breaks. There will always be more to improve and sometimes I think people feel that they need to push themselves. It can wait. Two of my favorite Lemmy apps kind of just stopped flat, and my hunch is that the developers got burnt out.
Wow, thank you for all of the hard work. The themes had me so excited (especially Cremé) but then I saw a… theme maker option?? I literally spent an hour fiddling with a theme and found a combination that I like.
Here are the theme files, if anyone wants to try them. Also it’s the first time sharing files via Proton Drive, so let me know if it works:
Eventually it would be great to have the labels possibly be easier to figure out what it is changing.
I guess if the VPN speeds were fine, if there were drops in connection, and whether you can manually choose a location.
Have you used the cloud service for photo backup? I currently have an iPhone and it sounds neat to switch to bundling Proton and dropping the iCloud subscription.
I’d probably just use Proton’s mail app on mobile. It’s actually pretty snappy and intuitive, and it has always had the basic features I need.
Yeah I guess they are generally more… grounded
I also work 3x12s and mostly love having the 4 days off. The downside is being able to do virtually nothing on those days besides eat and sleep. I think one advantage of the 9-5 week is being able to still do a few things more often. It’s hard to practice hobbies and maintain the house with gaps on days that I’m working.
What you value changes slightly as time goes on. Having the more consistent day might be more appealing now. And if you dont like it, there are always nurse jobs that are in need. Maybe there is something in between the hospital and that gig, like dialysis nursing. Worth a try.
I would also love to see a sepia color scheme option in addition to the dark/light mode. The less harsh contrast is nice on eyes.
I tried some Anker Liberty 4 earbuds and have found the ANC pretty good. They do stick out a bit so lying on your side wouldnt work, but there are these smaller ANC earbuds from Anker that might be worth a try: https://a.co/d/ggtEPov
What is the overall goal to teach them? Do they need to be journal articles? The most “grabby” headliners I have noticed are on marketing items. Especially if you want to appeal to a younger audience, you could screenshot examples from Snapchat tabloids. “Top 17 ways to get your SO to notice you more,” “Prince Harry did the unthinkable,” “How to instantly cut fat out of your diet,” etc.
Their goal is to “hook” you into reading or scrolling or watching. Journal articles might do this on a much milder scale. “Novel method for disposing of plastics.” So you think: Novel? Must be revolutionary. Let’s find out.
Idk I hope that helps.
That’s a good question. From what I gather, Lemmy (and most of the Fediverse) is an alternative to something, with less focus on the money/advertising. So I would guess most people are looking for an alternative way to connect about common interests. And because it’s not the easiest path for social media, I would guess most people have a desire for agency/self-reliance.
And because the whole Fediverse seems to be a different way of approaching social connecting, it takes a little more understanding of computer technology, so I would also guess most people have a least a higher than average affinity for computer technology. Linux and Programming Humor are larger communities.
That said, I have enjoyed a somewhat active participation about woodworking, gardening, jokes, news, medical updates, etc. Like mentioned in another comment, the different instances will have somewhat different norms and practices.
I guess not something that I would change, but I’m very glad we started with a marriage counselor. We did not have any overbearing concerns, but it has been immensely helpful in understanding each other and having a healthier relationship. Sometime people get weird and say “Oh no, a counselor, what’s wrong with your relationship.” Nothing. That is the point. Talk to one to get a baseline and when (not if) challenges come up, you don’t have to waste sessions filling them on your back story. Honestly, I think it should be required to do like three sessions before signing the papers, if nothing else to have someone point some things out that youre blind to otherwise about yourself.
As someone who cares for elderly people sometimes, please please fill out an advanced directive (not just a living will). It’s a sort of “if this, then that” for health scenarios. It’s immensely helpful when when caring for someone not well, and can be much more stressful without one. I have had dying, incapacitated patients wait weeks for guardianship or POA-HC to be processed before care can be changed to comfort measures, because they did not have one on file.
Get one from the hospital you would likely go to, fill it out, give them a copy, keep a copy, and give a copy to who you list as a decision-maker. You do not want to add the stress of logistics to an emotionally difficult time.
I think as a society we should embrace death more. Pretending it doesn’t happen just makes things worse when that reality of mortality unwaveringly stares you in the face.
Picture of tents camping. The text shows: “You can’t run through a campground. You can only ran, because it’s past tents.
Side note, is this because the image isn’t loading or for visual impairment?
I drove the bus driver for Slipknot back to his bus.
I also partied with Pretty Lights and Griz in a campsite but didnt know it at the time. Super chill people.
My high school teacher was named Richard Face. That pretty much writes itself.
Or “Ihave Noname” or “Whatis Yourname” would probably cause some confusion.
I’m not sure what you’re using it for, but I use an ebook reader called eBoox. It’s free with no ads, not sure if open-source. I had bookmarks but I don’t think annotations. I like it because it can open my epub, mobi, and pdf books, change the font and font size, sepia and night modes, has many options for how to change the page, and fairly simple UI. The creator markets it as a cutesy cat thing, but that is only present on the initial setup and then it’s just a regular e-reader app.
That’s an interesting question. Many people are answering the question “Would people from 150 years ago think the quality of life is better” instead of “Would they think modern people are weaker.”
I think that depends on how you define “weak” or “strong.” Physically, I think there is less manual labor needed, so in general people from the past may look at us as weaker. The understanding of mental health and resilience is lesser in the past, but if conveyed in relative terms, I do think they would see how more resilient we need to generally be to things now like doom scrolling and algorithms that we are exposed to in the present.
Humans are pretty adaptable. Since we generally have more access to resources now, I would argue modernity has the side effect of hindering our sense of agency. Likewise, we are adapting different “strengths” based on the challenges we get in the present.