ask yourself in whose interest is it to continue this insane war.
ask yourself in whose interest is it to continue this insane war.
Shitlibs want endless war in Ukraine, till the last Ukrainian is dead.
Leopards eating their faces
People seem to forget that gas cars have a battery in them too and that fails in cold weather.
The IDF is not a religious group.
That depends. If Notion goes down that’s a problem. If you can’t access Notion because YOUR internet is down, I don’t see you being productive at all. The issue is moot as Notion syncs everything locally, so you can access your latest notes. You just can’t push any changes to the cloud until you have internet again.
Who is still using Evernote in 2023? Everyone I know is using either Notion or Google Keep.
How about we disband the Disunited Abominations?
the IDF have special electronic warfare packages that identify friend vs foe.
Impressive! Most impressive.
Sounds like bullshit to me.
Isn’t is interesting that Krishnan Guru-Murthy(Channel 4) went the entire interview without mentioning the small boats and instead was trying to get Khan to call Tories a bunch of racists?
Abject Tory cruelty IS the point right?
You don’t. Civil disobedience is fine for Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil, but not for this?
If it was about health, Sadiq Khan would be doing something about the terrible pollution in the underground. But that pollution isn’t from cars, so he doesn’t care.
This is literally the only crime London prosecutors will go after LOL
So you want to bring in unlimited migrants and not build high density housing? Good luck with that bruv.
High density, solar panels. What’s to complain about?
Does Finland have out of control crime problem?
It doesn’t matter, we’ve all had enough of Zelenski.