My ex learned English as a second language and was fluent but she had a very hard time with any heavy accent.
Tech lover, nazi hater.
My ex learned English as a second language and was fluent but she had a very hard time with any heavy accent.
Once had a boss that used K several times a week. The article sounds like it was written about him.
DUI is a local issue so the Administration should not be able to do anything… should not
After Firefox changed its TOS a lot of people (including me) have jumped to LibreWolf. It takes FF, removes any parts that phone home, and turns on many privacy options.
It takes a little tweaking to make all websites work correctly. I have it running almost perfectly on windoze. I tried installing on Ubuntu last night but my Linux newbie status held me back.
Looking for it I see many other apps source data from NOAA.
I get my weather forecast (and history) directly from them. Their website on my desktop and an app on my android. Why mess with the others when the best is available for free?
EU citizenship with no hassle?
Hell yes!
Yes they do. The ancient ones announce they are giving me the area code.
I should have been more clear.
Rick James from Charlie Murphy’s True Hollywood Stories?
R.I.P. Charlie Murphy
Musk does not clean up environmental messes. He just makes them.
Ancient one here.
I can detect other ancients when they give me their area code and then the phone number. The young ones just quickly rattle off the whole thing.
I’d like to add depression and anxiety to fixing ADHD as an individual can exhibit all three.
This can be split into several patches if necessary.
Are they allowed to join CalFire upon release?
There was one particular parking lot near my house that was not plowed for years. The snow would fall, melt a little during the day, and then refreeze. Spent many evenings there.
What is the average daily temp in the summer?
A reminder for everyone, many animal shelters have working cats up for adoption. They are either semi-feral or feral but they will hunt.
Love you Momo
It’s an American thing. Too many morons with guns.