Thank you for posting this. Stupid question, how do I download just to put it on my laptop? I don’t download from github a lot and I’m a little lost pulling down the exe.
Thank you for posting this. Stupid question, how do I download just to put it on my laptop? I don’t download from github a lot and I’m a little lost pulling down the exe.
You should never use bad examples. It just makes your comment look stupid.
Isn’t that the band from Black Sheep, the movie with Chris Farley and David Spade?
This site is very one sided. Last Friday, the Canadian Parliament praised a litteral Nazi from Ukraine with Zelensky nodding his approval. I posted this and was called a Russian troll and then deleted. This site is no better than Reddit. The only difference, no ads here. You won’t find open discussion here, which I REALLY REALLY want.
As a Richmond VA native, we had a grocery store chain called Ukrops. I didn’t realize it was insult in Ukraine.
I think the joke is that they have it sideways and now all their heads are turned sideways as a result. He found what was making their heads tilted. That’s my interpretation.
I find it funny that they used the term “invasion of privacy”. She and her hubby went onto Chatterbate (I don’t know the exact website name) and took tips from others to perform (according to my morning paper). That’s a public display. And the fact that it didn’t dawn on her that this could be out there is astonishing. I know if I ever put a picture on the internet, it’s there FOREVER, and just because I’m a nobody doesn’t mean someone out there archived it for later.
Edit: I changed leaked to invasion of privacy.
So you’re okay with it being fine for a White House administration telling tech companies what they can and can’t allow? If so, then just wait until.the next Republican gets into the White House. You may not like this because it’s against Bidens White House, but this ruling will prevent Trump from doing it as well…if he somehow got back into office…which won’t happen, but still. It’s a precedent.
And I feel ripped off at getting a 4% interest rate on my new truck earlier this year.
I got around that by hardcoding foreign subs into mp4’s.
Not only that, but now all apps have to have remove any Screensaver that kept the screen active on that app. For instance, Plex now doesn’t have a Screensaver so if you are listening to music and pause it too long, you lose all progress on that Playlist and it starts all over again. Big bummer that is making me question getting a new Roku later this year.
My home and current town!
My Proton email is just a fallback and privacy based activities. Nothing nefarious, just stuff I’d prefer to keep off Google’s servers.
I will only be using email for…private matters. Not my new personal address. But thank you for the response and recommendation.
If it’s a MKV, it’ll probably have them.in the file. You just need to use Handbrake and select the correct track to burn.into the file if you convert to a MP4.
If memory serves, wasn’t it explained that Sabacians were humans with slightly altered DNA? They were altered to be more aggressive and more warrior like? I thought I remember hearing that during my 5rh rewatch. Or was it my 6th or 7th?
Happens to me every fucking year. Once in my life I’d like to come into the office and have my desk covered in confetti and a card. Just to know they care. They never have.
I wore out the tape and the CD in high school.
Nobody has honestly given you an answer beyond, hur, dur, Republicans are bad. What some don’t want to admit is that a lot of GOP voters believe a fetus is a baby at conception. Full stop. They see abortion as someone ending a life. And there is nothing you can do to reason with them.
I’m a pro-choice Republican. I draw the lime at anything over 12 weeks, though. And I don’t like that some people use it as a form of birth control. Are condoms not cheap enough? They are cheaper than an abortion. So, why not use that?
BTW, read up on Margaret Sainger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. She legitimately was a racist with quotes to prove it.
EDIT: I also belive in abortion after 12 weeks in case of a medical issue with the mother.
10 November. Happy Birthday Marines!