Guessing glass in included in the aggregates cube? Windows, windshields, skylights, sunroofs, solar panels, aquarium tanks, zoo enclosures etc
Guessing glass in included in the aggregates cube? Windows, windshields, skylights, sunroofs, solar panels, aquarium tanks, zoo enclosures etc
Whose idea was it to add that completely useless “no one: literally no one:” bullshit to memes
The rest of the meme is better without it
Pearl, Steven Universe
Pearl didn’t fumble Rose. Rose was always going to do what she wanted. There was nothing Pearl could have done to keep Rose.
Also, Finn is a teenager. Fumbling relationships is expected at that age.
Pearl is the only one with a properly sized hat, and she also got the cuffs right, which not all of them did.
Where does the gravel come from? Am I making the Earth heavier when I use this power?
Since when do fascists care about evidence?
You know Wizards of the Coast has no influence on Fortnite or we would see Loot as a backpack already
As opposed to freshly poured liquid concrete
Or concrete covered by a thick layer of spongy moss
No, it makes sense. You arrange them so that you can rest your chin on top, so none of them slide off
Prayer is just beta brainstorming
If it does, a new alternative will pop up, no biggie
At least people know the bluesky logo. Wtf is that triforce on the right
“How dare they not be a huge billionaire corporation that kisses Trump’s ass!” Ok buddy
If you expect firefighting budgets to go up every year, maybe ask why. Why are fires more of a concern every year?
If you don’t expect that, then seeing the budget go down sometimes should not be a concern.
He has 2 right hands in the 3rd panel
Add some ricotta to some beefaroni
Like “town” with a j sound on the end
The smartest parrots have more intelligence than the dumbest republican voters