who the fuck is the liberal hell hole the guardian think it is to take part in leftist discourse
this corporation surely won’t be like the others
kick google out your life
tesla lone goes down, lsmmy line goes up
ye ur right, how about this sterileness is the aesthetic of the yuppies
sterileness is the aesthetic of rulers
Die sollen mal ihre Arbeitet machen und die Verfassung schützen 🎶
77mio out of 340mio voted for trump which is roughly 22.6%
There is a lot you can do with your wallet to contribute to FOSS.
Companies, Governments they all can be enshitified but freedom lives on!
you seem to hold your individual freedoms high, there is a kind of software i think you’ll really like
By donating to contributors to free and open information and software you support the movement against tyranny inside the us and also everywhere.
compared to that foss devs buying groceries is negligible to the us economy.
if its run by a big company then it’s just open source and not free, or do you mean something like a company contributing to the code?
they were effectively owning everything you fo in firefox, how is that nothing
this is them rolling it back cause of the outcry, they don’t want to admit it worked
Boy have i got a treat for you, Ironfox! the continuation of Mull
I know that look. You’re thinking this is cruel. It was not us who turned them into killing machines. Maybe one day you’ll find a way to set them free… Until then - this is the next best thing.
the text reads
Man of Mata with OpenBlade stuck in their chest reaches towards METACITY. Fossangel stands by. Girl and Penguin watch him die. https://analognowhere.com/_/lxnslh
so it’s a man of matacorp, the evil corporate entity that is controling the country, as i understand it.
The Handle looks like it’s Open Blade’s which is Girls Sword. So under that assumption she might have done it. The fact that Girl is there with open Blade means it plays long after the corpo-foss war
Also the City in the Background, Metacity, is kind of a Capitalist main hub, so it looks like they might do operation there hopefully?
Idk why Fossangel is there and Puffy isn’t tho.
use ironfox or fennec