Jaa, irgendwas zwischen “Den bekomm ich da nicht mehr raus” und “Ist ganz gut um den Mantel aufzuhängen”.
Very creative!
Oh man. He doesent care if he has power in a country or not, he just tried to free the Tate bros in Romania.
He just feels like the king of the world. We should not validate this feeling…
Yeah, but for Trump to use the strategy of flooding the market with cheap oil, there had to be a war. Without the war and the sanctions it wouldnt be possible to cripple russia with cheap oil.
I just say this because it sounds like you mean, that Trump is smart to come with this idea. But it still didnt happen and it wouldnt be so effective if there was no war.
But this just makes sense if russia would be sanktioned before. Because if russia wouldnt have started a war, russia could still sell and buy everything. So if the oil price dumps there wont be the same effect as now.
Iih welch ein Pöbel bedient sich denn an Seide?? Ich nehme nur auf Goldpapier erfasste Liebesbekundungen entgegen.
Holz ist für mein Kamin.
David Mayer de Rothschild (born 25 August 1978) is a British adventurer, environmentalist, film producer, and heir to the Rothschild fortune.[1] Wikipedia
Hmmm just a Chechen Seperatist or Italian guy??
What the actual fuck man.
Who is still asking themselfs why these situations are escalating everytime??
I know its a kind of generic answer to sich questions about “why big businesses do x, when its clearly bad”
-Because the short term money flow is not bad.
I think they feel quite good when they put in some centres in Kenia where they put a moderator team and for them its enough.
It is a terrorist attack I dont know what the heck he is talking about.
But it helps in case of dissolved shit
Bro, he talks so much bullshit its the only incredible thing he does. The purpose of a politican is not to lie, where I come from they make promises, where you know a lot of them wil not be fulfilled, but he is just spitting lies and saying stuff that never happened.
And yeah, he is not hitler and shouldnt be compared to him because in comparison he is a little frog eating his shitflies.
Because its the only thing he does ? Just my two cents because Im from Europe.
I also saw a documentary about the ineffectiveness of the photosynthesis Enzyme. Maybe we need to alter this for something like mammal photosynthesis.
Hope you hit him in his two heads
And then you come to this place and give us flashback.
Thanks for nothing
I mean, having windows in your cache is already bad luck
And then hamas went into authorian mode and stopped the voting and rights like 15 years ago…
So its not actually that the palestinians are still supporting their stance.
It says in one of the first paragraphs, that its open-source