A broken clock is right two times a day I suppose.
A broken clock is right two times a day I suppose.
So if -I- did that, even by accident, my ass would be immediately fired and sent to Guantanamo. But if they do it, it’s “efficiency”. Anyone make a portal gun yet? This is just bullshit.
I agree with you on what you are saying. However, unless you institute a top down change as you would with any organization, you might as well read the writing on the wall. AOC, Benie, and any one else that does not stick to the status quo to keep the money flowing, have already been robbed of several opportunities to institute change. It’ll take another decade at minimum before the old guard retires, dies off, or sees the light. We don’t have decades unless she and others like her have some kind of ace up her sleeve.
This sounds like the machine from Idiocracy that prints your ID on your arm. First Name: “Not” Last name: “Sure” Tattooing “Not Sure” on your arm for identification!
The path to to what future? One of greedy meekness? It’s the same mindset of people that hang on to Twitter to see if they can change the algorithm for good. So long as the RNC and DNC exist with their CEO’s and people like Nanci Pelosi and Chuck Schumer making decisions for you, the money will always determine the winners and the losers. None of them are ever going to give up a position that just keeps making money, tax free. This is especially true when the money comes from well hidden sources called Super PACs. I’m for parties breaking up.
Good thing made up stories from social media prompt lawmakers to pass laws at record breaking speed rather than do something about the fires burning right in front of them. Let’s see what other bullshit that can be made up to get things done!
Two sides of the same coin if you will.
side note: Brain drain from an adversary is one of the reasons why the US completed the Manhattan Project faster. History repeating itself. Maybe this time around the fusion project is completed faster with the intention of long term peace without the need for deterrence.
Stupid fucking parents letting their stupid fucking kids get raised by the stupid fucking internet. I base this solely on just observation in the news about how “funny” nazi shit has become to edgy teenagers now a days. I also base this on the fact that every time an AI has been released to “learn” from the internet, it comes back a shitty hardcore nazi. I get that kids do stupid shit, but they deserve to find out what’s in store for them with this edge lord garbage.
I’m ranting like an old person now dammit!!!
Let’s not forget Something Awful and YTMND now. Should reboot those too. Maybe assemble them all together like Vultron or something.
Yeah the HT269-GH262J has nothing on the HT269-GH262J-P#@/JKL
Digg lost its popularity for the same reason Reddit is. It started taking investment money and began to please only the share holders. Yeah it’s private owned again, but they will just repeat the cycle because the temptation is there.
I’ve only been using Lemmy for a few months, but it seems to me that taking any instance public will not be a feasible business model. i don’t recommend anyone go back to digg unless you just like watching enshitification happen. Should they reboot Ebaulmsworld while they’re at it? I know that last statement struck a nerve!
You know what’s a great backup? The ability to read a map or use a compass. This is set up to get Starlink or another billionaire to own GPS.
Democrats should be doing a lot of things instead of waiting around for those “good” billionaires to show up. Both parties need to split and take huge chunks of resources with them to form a party that actually does represent the majority. This has happened before in American history but, at this point, it’s just wishful thinking I guess.
From the linked court document in the article: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.insd.215482/gov.uscourts.insd.215482.99.0.pdf?ref=404media.co
“For the reasons set forth above, the Undersigned, in his discretion, hereby RECOMMENDS that Mr. Ramirez be personally SANCTIONED in the amount of $15,000 pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11 for submitting to the Court and opposing counsel, on three separate occasions, briefs that contained citations to non-existent cases. In addition, the Undersigned REFERS the matter of Mr. Ramirez’s misconduct in this case to the Chief Judge pursuant to Local Rule of Disciplinary Enforcement 2(a) for consideration of any further discipline that may be appropriate”
Mr. Ramirez is the dumbass lawyer that didn’t check his dumbass AI. If you read above the paragraph I copied from, he gets laid into by the judge in writing to justify recommendation for sanctions and discipline. Good catch by the judge and the processes they have for this kind of thing.
^ Troll alert. Don’t feed it.
I stand corrected.
We all know Valve can’t count past two.
I remember a time when Google wrote “Don’t be evil” all over their stuff…
Do we really want something that is completely incapable of making proper, sound decisions running around in your house? “Hello human, I see rocks are good for you. Eat this rock! Why are you resisting sustenance? Let me call an ambulance you seem to be ill and your teeth are falling out” That’s just an example of Gemini powered robot.