my name is igor and i coding something :3
my github
deleted by creator
here is ur prize🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆
why u get prize? because THIS ANSWER IS THE BEST OF ALL!!!
u can make EVERYTHING but only once
do u want to break the universe
there is no rules :D
hehehe :D
im was banned in reddit because… i accidentally wrote lgor360 (first letter: L) instead of Igor360 (first letter: I) and reddit thought i was pretending to be a person with a nickname Igor360 (first letter: I and yes there is a person with such a nickname on reddit) and ban me…
i. cant. find. how. to. do. rectangle. in. tutorials.
ok. if we go into ubuntu 24.04 settings, we can see that the function switches are on rectangles (like in the picture). how can we recreate this in python? (I need the same rectangle on which I can put everything).
can you upgrade my game? i create a big upgrade!
nope. its work normal but thanks! also can you upgrade my game? i do some big upgrade!
you: * coding *