I’m a 🇹🇼ese student in HSNU 1626 - number 21
𝓘 𝓾𝓼𝓮 Arch
🔬 Intrests:
- 💻 Programming
- 🐧 Arch/Jailbroken iOS Tweaking
- ♟️ Chess
- ⚫️ Reversi
- 🇹🇼 Politics
- 🎹 Piano
- 🏳️ Vexillology
- 💮 Average Jojo Fan
- 🪗 Accordion
- 📄 Origami
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023 You are not logged in. If you use a Fediverse account that is able to follow users, you can follow this user.
So true