Is there a black mirror episode for that? A technology, that automatically edits your memories to be inaccurate, but “better”.
And as the cherry on top: there are are not even pronouns in there.
The study neglected the impacts of cringe.
Still my favorite pun: The shark took a megabyte.
Also: Wireshark
That sounds like a really good explanation, thank you
Phew. But won’t take long for globalists to do that too /s
Imagine that, captain America punching a nazi. So woke /s
So superman actually actually fought the clan? That’s incredible.
But why would it? Is the output not voltage controlled?
Oh, that’s why it never worked, thank you.
Welcome to Mar-A-Lago, I love you.
Are you the originator? I feel kinda honoured.
So they are to be consumed independently? But some do belong together? There are repeating characters, but can they be assorted into a story?
You probably draw more joy from causing these questions than answering them, but I still would like to ask. ☺
My crew is big and it keeps getting bigger