It is the Battlestar Galactica font. Missed opportunity to include Doctor Who, or some equivalent, if you ask me…
It is the Battlestar Galactica font. Missed opportunity to include Doctor Who, or some equivalent, if you ask me…
Well, if you live in Australia, you’re about to die… So many deadly things always just round the corner, or under the seat!
In Greater Manchester, we have 20mph zones in suburban areas and side roads with housing. I think this is sensible and safe for families, dog walkers and the elderly, who walk around the area they live. However, very few people appear to stick to the limit, as enforcement is lacking. This is the perfect place for speed cameras, to enforce the local speed limits.
I’ve read before that it takes about 60 days to form a habit. Nearly there for posting daily for the rest of your life!
Fedora I think I can feel better if you want me to get out of bed.
Have a look at Spinrite. Works wonders on HDDs, and I believe a lot of development has gone on to cater for SSDs as well.
And nearby Leominster
Same here. I was twice your age (8) when I saw it. Still don’t like being out of my depth in the sea - even the deep end of swimming pools gives me a bit of a shiver…
Cage from Edge of Tomorrow. Purely from the number of day resets he goes through. Maybe Phil from Groundhog day is a second place - same reason, just fewer deaths…
“It’s not bad, but it’s still pretty bad” is a phrase I can see myself saying. Not sure about the other way round - doesn’t really work for me, but to each their own…
My Bad-to-Good spectrum would be:
Pretty bad
Fairly bad
Fairly good
Pretty good
The tinfoil hat you’re wearing amplifies the signal!
No, it’s the arch enemy from Firefly - Webmaster!