Not only internet. Soon everybody will use AI for everything. Lawyers will use AI in court on both sides. AI will fight against AI.
Not only internet. Soon everybody will use AI for everything. Lawyers will use AI in court on both sides. AI will fight against AI.
I asked ChatGPT and there seems to be two options to view OSM extracts:
QGIS can open .osm and .pbf
JOSM can open .osm
I did not verify or test this by myself. Maybe some people have more experience?
There is no result for “IronFox” on
Jetzt erst gesehen, dass die Daten von Statcounter kommen und automatisch über den Browser erhoben werden. Alle herkömmlichen Browser senden standardmäßig das Betriebssystem an den Webserver.
Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass dies Bots wie die von Google, OpenAI usw. sind. Oder vielleicht Privacy Browser?
Mit 4% würde ich davon in 2024 noch nicht sprechen.
Aber ganz sicher 2025!!
Sometimes a bit too random. The start positions heavily influence the winning probability
When it comes to open source software, in my opinion its a good thing when all individous people from all of the world can use and participate. Sometimes free software is the only chance for people to sustain against repressive governments.
As the app is free and open source the community can easily review the software functionality and detect malicious behaviour. Also the app is free, so no money need to go from you to anybody.
Nevertheless I think its good that you are doubtful and share your doubts in public. Thanks for your opinion.
Since this is not updated or maintained anymore, there is a spin off with very active development:
on F-Droid:
on F-Droid:
cant find it on F-Droid:
Playable for sure, but in bigger battles its complicated to keep an overview over big maps
confirm, Image Toolbax was very helpful for me several times
Die meisten meiner Geräte haben HDMI. Keins meiner Geräte hat DP :(
Alle Meeting/Vortragsräume die ich besucht habe, hatten HDMI.
Die Wahlfreiheit hat man nur selten, z.B. beim Framework Laptop.
Für alle die nur mal testen wollen, gibt es bei Strato ein günstigeres Angebot für 1 Jahr eine .de Domain nur für insgesamt 0,60 Euro:
Nach dem 1 Jahr sind die Gebühren aber deutlich höher mit 1 Euro pro Monat
To be fair… If this guy would have hired a dev team, the same thing could happen.