they/them, ona/ona
mi toki e toki pona
also das bedeutet ja, wenn ich beide knöpfe drücke, könnte der aufzug tatsächlich schneller da sein, aber die gesamte wartezeit ist gleich. nur wird mehr im aufzug gewartet als sonst außerhalb und der aufzug ist unnötig voller… interessant!
ist es nicht egal welchen man drückt? kenn mich da nicht genug aus. dass ich nicht beide drücke, kann ich mir denken
that picture is amazing. that cant have been by accident x3
i know this is an old comment, but i wanted to reply anyway. im sorry for my comment. i hadnt thought about post-op trans ppl at all.
to clarify however, it wasnt the “first thing” i thought abt trans ppl, im trans myself actually.
i guess ive had too much contact with pre-op or never-op trans ppl and too little with post-op ppl to have this on my radar.
i will try to be better in the future!
yay! u gotta love getting included in the decision-making process /s
well sometimes u need to refer to ppl who have a vagina, because having a vagina is somehow relevant to the topic of conversation. which in my experience comes up very rarely, so i dont have to use it very often.
some people who have vaginas arent women, and so if the topic includes those ppl, then “people with vaginas” is the perfect phrase to use. and if talking about ppl with vaginas who all identify as women, cis women is more fitting.
“female” is a very vague way of referring to something. some ppl use it to describe gender identity, others use it to talk about ppl with vaginas, others again use it to refer to ppl with estrogen-dominant hormonal systems, etc. etc.
“people with vaginas” is one option ig. or if they also identify as women, cis women is another option
A fitting punishment.
alternatively: a federal agent either being or pretending to be a predator online
During the call, the Reddit co-founder said the company would begin testing AI-powered search results later this year [and] that search could one day be a significant source of advertising revenue for the company.
this does not seem to be an alternative to the existing method of profiting from ads etc., but more of an additional way to make loads of money
i mean, thats great! but the moneys gotta come from somewhere, and in most cases someone else is being exploited.
most non-profits actually suffer from this issue where getting funding is the number one priority.
the organization has to bend its methods to what will look good on paper vs what would actually be best for their cause
what is ur answer to this system?
theres companies making money off of prison labor, if u want a not very subtle example. in the US, prisons are also for-profit institutions, making it even more insidious.
then ur typical capitalist labor situation ofc. ur boss makes more off of their workers labor than their workers get paid. this “surplus value” is how bosses get richer than the ppl who work for them; all without having to do any actual work of their own.
ow also landlords who rent housing to ppl for a price, often providing very little or even no maintenance at all for that building. this exploits peoples need of shelter for the landlords personal gain, as landlords squeeze as much money out of ppl as they can get away with (also for example, keeping security deposits for no good reason).
what if it means taking other ppls freedom away from them in the process?
yea would be interesting. but im also too lazy to type all that text in by hand to verify
danke für die erklärung! ich hab bis jetzt immer irgendeinen knopf gedrückt; von jetzt an pass ich auf dass es der richtige ist :3