I suspect that the same majority of all shareholders of everything except “truth soscial” (I know, not publicly traded) feel the same. The value of diversity is proven and anyone who is against is obviously dumb.
I suspect that the same majority of all shareholders of everything except “truth soscial” (I know, not publicly traded) feel the same. The value of diversity is proven and anyone who is against is obviously dumb.
As a long time plex pass user, is there anything there that would make me want to switch? Plex has just plain worked for me for years. mobile apps, everything is just great. Why should I look around?
My best friend at work is a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. He will never not be - and I rush to profess that he is not an asshole…he just thinks conservitave/republican is the side he needs to support probably because that’s what daddy did, dunno. We see eye-eye on most other things.
We do not agree on anything political except that everyone is way too heated up over everything. We are still friends, regardless.
My point in responding is that his gay daughter disconnected from him after Trump v.1 - would not take a call or interact in any way. This is painful for my friend and he has been confused by it but does not realize why his daughter won’t engage. I think she is offended that his political choice doesn’t allow for her right to exist and, frankly I agree with her.
I think my friend has lost his daughter forever because he is a stubborn man. I hope your dad can open his heart to accept you.
I’m boring - every night is Crown and 7-up over chewy ice (I LOVE chewy ice). After my 12-oz 7-up is empty I transition to Coors Banquet bottles.
You have the safety in your life apparently to decide that your moral high ground is more important than your income. I can not speak for Snoop but for myself I need any work I can get if it pays.
As my wife pointed out - has Snoop ever said “you want to pay me? No, I’m not interested”…I see nothing wrong with a performer pulling a paycheck. Could he say no and earn nothing, sure - why would he? I, personally, think that having Snoop in the suck-circle might get weed on the radar as something that needs to be normalized.
I found about 8K for my mom a few years ago doing that.
BTW, you really should fix that sagging soffit and close the gap where the fascia meets the fireplace - don’t want critters getting in.
Have you tried making sun tea? It generally is not bitter or cloudy but it takes a bit of time. As for the sweet - get some bottles of Torani simple syrup and pump to flavor as you make a glass.
Private equity used to buy distressed firms then build value to sell. The new norm is buy anything and suck it dry then let it fold in on itself and take the money elsewhere.
For example, the firm that bought Red Lobster leveraged everything their brand had to sell (cheddar bay biscuits in the grocery store). The individual stores which sat on company-owned land had their budgets re-configured to “pay rent” to the overlord which now owns everything including the land.
The costs of advertising and company image maintenance were passed down to the stores as fixed costs that local managers had to account for in their budgets without impacting the owners of the name.
No surprise that very few locations can turn a profit in that environment but the leeches at the top aren’t hurt by store closings.
Private equity acquisition today is simply buying something of value to slurp it’s blood then discard the husk.
Another poster suggested a Russian disinformation campaign, I would suggest a more home-grown hate faction that was grown from the poll-watcher contingent. They culled and sifted lists of people that were most likely to “spoil the vote” and had nothing else to do do but harass people.
Non-alcoholic wines exist and would work just as well for deglazing but probably won’t be as good on the flavor front. Most people would say that the alcohol evaporates out during cooking because it has a lower gas temp than water. Here is a study on that statement.
no…just no! I refuse to succumb to the sad place I retreated to after the 2016 fail - that is not our future, that is not going to happen! I can not let myself imagine this future and you shouldn’t either.
This is not the helpful answer you were looking for, sorry. I’m fairly certain that the consensus among data hoarders is that the answer is more storage space not smaller files.
My wife likes AnyList so I use it too. If you’re looking for privacy-focused group lists I would suggest Home Assistant to-do lists (assuming you’re running Home Assistant already).
The dumb motherfucker who did this was just a homicidal twat. There was no “reason” or manifesto that was given, it was just some whack-job wanting to kill lotso-people.
Gun control is a joke in America…I’m sad about that.
I think, based on responses indicating AI influence, that this is a a worthwhile filter/exclude keyword. I have only encountered the word while viewing /all and it is normally in the /garterbelt forum. Perhaps there is a bot a play?
The cheap-as-dirt meross does, it has an open/closed sensor.
Most openers have a dumb switch interface. A simple close-to-change circuit - I’ve never had one that wasn’t that way. If MyQ is so complicated (serial interface!?) then it needs to go anyway.
I ditched Netgear due to poor performance and went with Ubiquiti. I’m fortunate that I could afford to buy a console for management but if you’re willing to self-host then there is no cost there. You could then get several APs (they have some as low as $99) and you’re all set.