Voting no on this CR is not voting for a shutdown. It’s voting for a different CR. Voting yes is giving up without a fight and giving Trump whatever he wants. This is the first chance since the election for the Democrats to oppose Trump through official channels, and Schumer rolled over immediately. If they do nothing now, we already have a one-party autocracy.
Appeasing fascists is a time-tested losing strategy. If the choice is between shutdown and give Trump whatever he wants, I think the answer should be clear. Trump is already speed running a federal collapse. Might as well deny him the damage he would do in the interim.
Same. Loaded Ubuntu on an under-specced (for Windows) Dell laptop a couple years ago. No niche OS, no obscure hardware. Out of the box, wifi won’t stay connected for more than a few minutes. Literally no other device on the network (Android, Windows, Roku, etc) has wifi issues. Load Windows back on, it works fine.
Linux is never going to take off until basic functionality works reliably. I’m not asking for the moon, here.