tag yourself i’m the homogenized breeding blanket
tag yourself i’m the homogenized breeding blanket
It looks like it has a funny smiley face
i hate it so fucking much
Alolan Parasect. Or Galaran Parasect I guess if it’s Ireland
If I remember correctly Jim Davis has even said he likes and approves of such things. Wasn’t there a Garfield minus Garfield book published at some point with his blessing?
I often wonder if vampires have to piss a lot given they’re basically on an all-liquid diet
That’s just a weird guy in a costume
Develop menthol, they said, it’ll deter predators, they said
I love the future
But at least 4chan produces funny greentexts
It came to me in a dream
Mind if I also DM you?
I’m now imagining something like a gardening game where you shoot seeds/water/fertilizer into the dirt or something… or an Animal Crossing game where you fire furniture out of a gun for the animals to collect…
Man I just use Notepad or IDLE most of the time, I feel you man