I’m not surprised but yet still disappointed
I’m not surprised but yet still disappointed
Fuck Christopher Columbus
And the developer is super responsive. I pointed out a bug and once he was able to reproduce the problem, he released a fix by the next day.
Lots of things
Terminate the users but only the ones that were accused
Does anyone remember the battery testers that were built into the packaging? I think they were based on the same concept.
I had one a couple of years ago. The worst part was the anesthetic injection but it was smooth sailing once it kicked in. No pain afterwards.
They’re videos but worse in every way
I once called my bank because I had trouble logging in. They didn’t outright say it but they implied that they could see my password and asked if I wanted to update it by telling them the new one. I said no.
Someone should tell them that speaking out against war crimes and genocide isn’t antisemitism
Oh the irony
He worked as a chemical engineer until he was killed by police over non-existant drugs. None of the officers involved got into any trouble.
I might be asking a dumb question here, this is the right community for that after all. But have you asked your cousin what might be wrong?
it couldn’t find any servers locally on my network, so I had to use my IP address. So when (not if) that IP changes I’ll have to troubleshoot.
One workaround that I can think of is to use ip reservation to give your devices the same ip address whenever they connect. You might find that setting under DHCP on your router. Or just use a static ip on the server.
We asked A.I. to create a copyrighted image from the Joker movie. It generated a copyrighted image as expected.
Propaganda is by definition misleading and political in nature. It can lead to policies that can make life very bad for a lot of people (see Nazi propaganda).
A misleading, nonpolitical ad, may make you waste money, but it’s unlikely to lead to police rounding up foreigners in the night. Dishonest interpersonal communications will make you lose friends but it (generally) doesn’t set political policy.
Thats not to say that advertisements can’t be dangerous, but at least they’re regulated to limit potential damage. Anyone can push any political statement as fact and get away with it as long as it doesn’t piss off the wrong people too much.
No. Not unless you have it stored on media that you own and control.
I made this exact same argument using XMPP as an example and got downvoted because “XMPP is still alive”
I’m on there so seldom that I didn’t notice
Thanks Obama?