Deck the halls is next
Deck the halls is next
Great write-up, thank you!
Yes it’s a configurable property on the panel called “Floating” I believe.
It’s safe if you follow the label
I do not think that word means what you think it means
I believe it’s BattlEye, not EAC
Ranked choice voting would be a start
The list of things he does understand would be much shorter.
The crazy part is that he has never worn sheep’s clothing.
Night Stalker (Intellivision)
I coincidentally installed Linux Mint today and I’m not going back.
Alternative facts are okay though
Stardew Valley
It’s not a right if it’s wrong
Maybe it’s less of an issue these days, but about 10 years ago I tried Usenet and most things I tried to download would give “missing articles” errors (or something along those lines). This was with a paid Usenet account (don’t remember the name).