Or walk into a public bathroom, or really any public space for that matter. Who knows what you are stepping in all day.
Or walk into a public bathroom, or really any public space for that matter. Who knows what you are stepping in all day.
You should read up on the history of the Illuminati. It’s pretty much that haha
Air traffic control at home.
Because the money still comes from investors even if it’s not publicly traded.
Day before release showing an engineer working on a different project: “Wait, isn’t there a reason that car seats are rear facing for young children and not forward as you have it? Did anyone check on that?”
Everyone is brainwashed except for one or two crew members who have to get control of the ship back.
Yeah that doesn’t seem very efficient to make the AC work so much harder when you return home.
Just look at who owns Boston Dynamics and it makes sense.