We look and sound just like them. I don’t anticipate this going well for america.
After a year of absence, I’ll give this instance another shot, things have gone better than I expected.
We look and sound just like them. I don’t anticipate this going well for america.
Just some very basic moaning about tankies and pro-luigi memes, I don’t remember too well
Eh. to some degree, enshittification is going to happen as more people come in, because more people = more shitty people. If we want to have the good niche communities that are IMO the only excellent thing about reddit, we’ll have to put up with the fact that that also means a bunch of annoying people use the service.
At least Lemmy has far, far better tools for dealing with them.
Have you considered reddit? I hear it’s a great platform for people without any sense of humour.
I’d have less trouble believing this if there was any meaningful backlash from his supporters. Currently there isn’t even meaningful backlash from his opposition, so colour me doubtful.
of course? All these people are my fellow man. I have no idea what your point is. I don’t think aliens did it.
It’s more like blaming city council because they refuse to pass any regulations that might reduce the number of fires, because it would hurt their donors in the construction industry.
We are way past the point where democrats could have done anything, and we arrived here because all through my almost fifty year lifetime and before, people on the left have been warning them about the US’s decline towards fascism, the takeover of their media and the dominance of voter suppression, and they’ve chosen to never take any action to stop it. I fail to see why they should escape blame now, after making the bed they are lying in.
No, fuck this. The best analogy I’ve seen is that the republicans are a school shooter, and the democrats are the uvalde police department. I’m not going to forgive a group thst somehow becomes utterly ineffectual any time they’re needed. This has been brewing for decades. If the democrats were just tooooooooo weak to do anything to prevent it in all that time, what fucking use are they?
If there’s 75 million of you, get out and fucking obstruct things. Stop asking people in other countries how to clean up your own mess, learn a little about civil disobedience, and start doing it.
Like everyone here, I have no patience for your passive aggressive “this isn’t myyyyy fault” attitude. Is it mine? I’m in a foreign nation, for fuck’s sake. Maybe you really can’t do anything from your own situation, I understand that, but then don’t come in here acting sanctimonious about it. Your labour is providing for the military machine that’s threatening me and my family. I have no sympathy.
A lemmy post from their account asking would be a clue
They were voted in by Americans, and nobody has made any significant moves to impede them. It is not a small group, it is the USA in any sense we normally mean the term when referring to the actions of its government.
So far, waiting for Americans to do the right thing in the face of madness has not payed off for anyone. I think it’s dangerous to expect them to start.
I’m not particularly worked up, I’m only responding because you’re continuing to bring it up. My whole problem is that what she wants people to see doesn’t actually tell anyone her plan. She has a plan, someone else posted her talking more openly about it. Her press release doesn’t actually say what it is, just reassures people without making any even vague commitments. I find that irritating. Honestly I think you should too. It’s one of the most transparent ways politicians try to avoid accountability.
Then don’t release a press release and a plan? Your comment doesn’t make sense in context.
Sure, I’m all for increasing funding to the CBC. Just complaining about how neoliberals do everything. If the minister wants to increase funding to the CBC, say it in the press release. If she doesn’t, say it. This cagey say-nothing fluff is bullshit and people should find it offensive.
Feel free to extend the umbrella Canada’s way, I think you’d find a lot of interest
Oh, that might be regional terminology. Drip coffee makers are called percolators where i live, but I see from google that the terms aren’t always synonyms
I hadn’t read it as “theirs”, I assume they heard it somewhere and are repeating it just as I plan to do.
I don’t think they’re panicking, this is how they always behave. Trump is saying a moronic thing again to draw attention from the actual important authoritarian shift onto “what stupid meaningless shit did he say”. It’s the same fucking playbook every time.
Idk. There’s a selection process for people who become billionaires. Personally, I don’t think it’s really possible to become and remain one without a pretty low level of empathy.