I’ve been enjoying the AFR articles on the VC. I got out just in time I think.
I’ve been enjoying the AFR articles on the VC. I got out just in time I think.
Hey Mickey?
Not that I’m aware of? Technically the king/queen is head of state and that term is until death, can’t get much longer than that.
Agreed that PM is different, they don’t weild the same power the US president does. But in terms of time, Robert Menzies was pm for a total of 18 years and John Howard was pm for 12, so you can be for a long time. Politics have just been much less stable in the last 20 years.
It probably depends how much fractional power and money is behind the PM. John Howard was PM for a decade after all.
Well Australia doesn’t have a president. But in theory there’s nothing stopping someone from being prime minister for infinite time, provided their party doesn’t stab them in the back or their party doesn’t lose the election.
TIL Australia is not a sane democracy.
Funnily enough this was originally a mod for UT2k4 which was actually pretty good and has good ratings on moddb: https://www.moddb.com/mods/damnation
Honestly, reducing the teaching + publish-or-perish + the constant need to apply for grants would go a long way towards fixing the review process. Academics have to spend a lot of time doing a lot of non-academic work that peer reviewing properly sometimes gets pushed down the list of priorities.
I think the YouTuber Professor Dave just did some videos about her encouraging science denialism. The podcast Decoding the Gurus has also done an episode on her with similar commentary, “good science communicator but also encourages denialism” is the tldr.
/j on swimming. Realistically you can get away with any skills, though I always liked pistols since you can scope/laser sight the standard pistol and run around headshotting everything.
GEP gunning everything is also hilarious.
The secret is to level the swimming skill exclusively.
Because if no one reviews the articles then anyone could publish junk. In highly technical fields the only people qualified to tell if something is BS science are the experts in the field, so they review and make sure the article has some merit.
That’s not to say the reviewing process is perfect, but it does at least help to filter some amount of bs.
The headline reads like an onion article.
I haven’t quite finished it yet, my feeling is that it slightly overstays it’s welcome.
I’ve also noticed that most of the time I do a thing or two in the game then realise there’s not quite enough time in the loop to do another thing, but just enough time to make me want to not waste the loop, since I find starting a new loop a bit tedious.
From memory it respawns the low level enemies constantly, since they’re just ammo/health/armour pinatas. You needed to kill the big enemies to complete an arena.
Not really a fan of the design choice, but I had a decent amount of fun when I clicked with how the Devs wanted you to play.
I convinced my partner to play it recently and the way I knew she’d finished it was that I could hear sniffling from the desk behind me.
Well she has full confidence of the Chancellor that I’m sure has nothing to do with the contracts for mates or the free travel.