Dang, looks like you got got.
Dang, looks like you got got.
It’s definitely ridiculously expensive.
I use an Nvidia laptop, and none of the issues I have with Wayland are from the GPU.
This is a real answer, unlike the “Ubuntu” memers.
What about a graphical installer and package manager frontend?
It’s just a mob mentality at this point.
Kids want to fit in with what others kids are doing, so once it becomes cool to hate on manjaro, that’s what the children will do. Without question.
Manjaro is great.
It just has a bad reputation among those who can’t think for themselves.
Don’t forget about revenge!
We don’t use that word often enough when it’s completely applicable.
Looks like the Israelis have infiltrated Lemmy.
Ahh well, it was nice while we had it!
I think it’s sad seeing this considering all the women I know who have been suckered into making OFs only to make a few bucks from weirdos saving their nudes.
Porn is the same, really. Most people who do porn make very little money from it, but still have to deal with their naked bodies on the internet.
You wanna know the real answer? Take advantage of others. Cheat, steal, lie, do whatever it takes to get ahead.
Once you have money, you immediately become one of the ‘hard workers.’ Without it, you’ll always be seen as a lazy bum who only has themselves to blame for their position in life.
It’s definitely nowhere near 75%.
Maybe 75% of people talking about computer operating systems, sure.
Where are the pro-Israel rallies?
Most of the working class stands with Palestine.
I cannot even imagine what it must be like to try to evacuate at short notice, with nowhere to go.
It’s a radicalizing experience, to say the least.
So tired of censorship.