hi Hot Saucerman 👋 still unemployed?
Complaining about paying for service while demanding > 10 years of updates is the same issue
Not wanting software as a service while asking for updates longer than 10 years 🤭
Yes updates longer than 10 years without treating os as service and refusing paying is not relevant
using = literally indicates a claim, showing some art does not, you just assume shit and claim it as reality. I guess u also believe showing kali logo while not explicitly mentioning it in the article counts as " a very inappropriate pop-appropriation "? Get a grip
Kali isnt mentioned in the article either, do you intend to complain about that too?
So what do you propose? You buy windows xp and you deserve free maintenance updates while windows 55 is out?
Me when I demand corporations pay people fairly for their work 🤬 Me when I demand free labour in 2045 because I paid 100€ in 2015 😗
1 billion windows users under the bridge you know better 😜
Im not the one judging content based on thumbnails/logos, ask literally anyone else in this thread
Said the guy who equates showing some ascii art to claiming 1+1=3, my condolences for the mental deficiency since you werent trolling then
the script kiddie learns nothing.
He has something in common with the “real programmers” in this sub then, disregarding an article and even calling the author ignorant because the thumbnail has some …ascii art?
So you think mentioning both ascii art and a linux distro somehow counts as misinformation?
The picture literally mentions kali linux how many distros mentioned do u need if only u gave same attention to the writing
Never claimed that take your strawman elsewhere thanks
Dont make them then, I showed how that one was shit in 2 different ways
Thumbnail is bad because the distro attracts people I dont like and I’ll even call the authors ignorant over it, those kiddies may be more mature than you, real programmer
ascii art doesnt transmit a proper impression but a silly penguin for an os does?
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